Arthur W. Potts
1st Platoon, Company K
424th Infantry Regiment
106th Infantry Division

Read his twin brother's account of guarding German POWs.
Click on Potts, William

Could I have been the last casualty before V-E Day ??  If any person can recall being there when I was shot, I would like to hear from him. 

Was it just an unfortunate accident or a provocation by the POWs ?  My identical twin brother, Bill and I shipped out from the States in early January 1945.  We became separated on February 3rd or 4th at Viviers, Belgium, when I was sent to the 213th General Hospital in Paris, with pneumonia. 

Bill was sent a day later to join the 424th Regiment.  Upon recovering I traveled from place to place by 40 & 8's for nine weeks until I too joined the 424th at Rennes.  So Bill and I were re-united.   Then within four weeks we again became separated when at 1530 hours in the afternoon of Sunday, May 6th, 1945, I was shot by one of our own guys as we escorted hoards of German POWs from Bad Krueznach to enclosures near Langenlonsheim, 10 kilometers away.  

I spent the next four and one-half weeks at the 386th Evac Hospital, before rejoining the 424th and my twin brother.  we stayed together until our discharge.   With Bill I attended Upsala and graduated in 1950 with a BBA degree.  I married Ruth-Alice Cunningham (a first cousin to Bill's wife, (Thelma Ruth); Ruth-Alice graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1948 from Douglas College, then New Jersey College for Women.   We have six grandchildren from a brood of three daughters and two sons.  

Business Forms Management is my expertise.  I received recognition for skilled forms system design in a nationally prominent "Form of the Year" competition in 1968,1970, 1972 and 1987.  I retired as Manager, Management Systems and Services for the Monroe Calculator division of Carbide and Moore Business Forms.  I am at present Senior Vice-Commander, James Caldwell American Legion Post 185.

Hi Jim:

Just a short note to say thanks. The 424 L company story I received today and an earlier one with the February 1945 photo at chow were very much appreciated. I printed and saved both as hard copy with my file on 424K.

I and my identical twin brother, William, were together in K company. Bill in the 4th platoon and I, Art, in the first platoon. Bill died last April 25, 2006 and these stories fill me in on the gap from 4 February 1945 to 7 April 1945 when Bill and I were separated for the first time in our lives. At the repo depot, at Viviers, I was seriously ill and sent to the general hospital in Paris and Bill went on to join K Company.

While in the hospital only 10 days, it took until 7 April to be reunited. I was on special orders to get back with Bill, but I had no idea where he was until again at Viviers, a Lieutenant passed me on the street and said "Say aren't you one of the twins?" "Yes Sir" I replied, " I'm looking for him." " I know where he is." replied the Lieutenant " I sent him there!"  This was now mid March.

The next day I was to wait by a bridge for General Strow's command car to pick me up. I waited 8 or 9 hours when the Lieutenant relieved me to get some coffee. In my short absence General Strow came by but he couldn't wait. I tried catching up with Division at St Quentin, but missed them. It took several more weeks to rejoin Bill at Rennes.

On 6 May 1945 Bill and I were again separated when I got shot taking prisoners to the stockades and spent 4 weeks in the hospital once more. From  June 1945 to June 1946 we twins remained together and were discharged together.

Thank you and best regards, Art Potts 424K

Page last revised 10/27/2019
James D. West