Robert M. Shaver
424th Regiment
106th Infantry Division

12/18/1944. SSgt Luce, head of Telephone Wiremen 

TSgt Barrett, head of Radio Operators & Radio Repairmen 
TSgt Barrett.  My jeep with HQ 284 radio, pulled off road.
T/4 Joe Galvin, Senior Radio Operator and owner/operator of the "non-official" camera.
Group of radio operators and telephone repairmen.  A one day temporary stop prior to evacuating the "Fortified Goose Egg". T/5 Brown, T/5 Born, T/4 Siegfried, T/5 Shaver, T/4 Hammerstrum, Pvt Prentergast, T/5 Edwards, Pvt Sharkley
T/5 Shaver, T/4 Hammerstrum, T/5 Edwards. Pvt Sharkey and Pvt Prendergast.
Page last revised 09/14/2016
James D. West