by 2nd Lt. Lewis R. Walker |
This is a story of desperate men fighting with fierce
valor - a story of sacrifice, of teamwork, of devotion to
duty. This issue, which tells of the Company in the opening
days of the Battle of the Bulge, will be followed next
month with a second installment describing the life and
death action on the hillside overlooking Schonberg, Belgium,
and later by a third installment about the last two days before the
remnants of Co. H were captured on 21 Dec. 1944.
The author explains that one of his main purposes in writing
the history of his company is to refute the aspersions cast
on the 422d Inf. in Robert Merriam's "Dark December".
Our first engagement was about 0500 16 Dec. when a strong
enemy combat patrol contacted the Co. G outpost. The squad
held off the enemy until reinforcements arrived from company,
but not before S/Sgt Arnold W. Almond, H Co's mortar observer,
had called for fire on his own outpost. I know that Sgt.
Almond called for mortar fire on his own position because I
confirmed it with him over the sound power phone, and helped
the Instrument corporal compute the fire data. Almond's action
retired the enemy but they reappeared later in the morning
far stronger in numbers.
At 0700 I took my turn as mortar observer at Co. F outpost.
Ten minutes later the OP squad engaged a German patrol
- the enemy was forced to withdraw a half hour later, after
wounding two men of our outpost squad. At 1000 I was relieved
from OP duty, returned to company area, and took over 2d MG Platoon
while its regular leader, 1st Lt. Emmitt F. Harman, led a 50-man combat
reconnaissance patrol for Col Descheneaux. About 1100, Co. G OP engaged
in a serious attack, killing a German officer and several EM, and
bringing in a number of
The enemy patrol was estimated as 200 men. Capt.
Kielmeyer of Co. G had eagerly entered the fray and supervised the
return of the wounded enemy and prisoners. Curiously,
the enemy dead were seen to be wearing light and flimsy clothing, even
the officer.
I can throw no light on what happened to the left of the
422d that day, though I knew at the time that there was an
1800 yard unguarded gap to the 14th Cav. Gp.
Exactly at midnight we were routed out, outposts drawn
in, battle packs fixed, extra rations handed out and all
ammunition that could be found was carried by hand. At 0300
of the 17th we moved toward Schlossenbach. As mortar observer
of the 17th for Co. G, I went right to the outskirts of Schlossenbach,
where G Co. was protecting 422d Hq. and
the regiment's north flank. I have two main memories of that
day and night. Everytime I tried to use the little hand radio
to contact my mortar section, several rounds of enemy artillery
would fire at our location: no one was hurt. That night 1st Lt
Robert E. Davis (G's exec) and I tried to sleep in a shelter dug by the
Germans and every hour all night we had to ball out
the seeping water.
About 1600 the 18th an H Co. runner recalled me to Bn.
Hq. to help supervise a move from the Schlossenbach vicinity.
Upon return, I learned that 2d Lt. Elmer F. Lange and a Jeep driver had
returned to the company's old area, secured some
mortar ammunition, all portable food in the kitchen, and some
luggage. Up to that time on the 18th the Germans had not
occupied the original 2d Bn. area. At that moment, I can
recall Lt. Col. William Scales bitterly wishing the battalion
had been allowed to fight it out from the old well-dispersed
and dug-in positions. We pulled out of Schlossenbach and
marched about 6 or 7 miles toward Schonberg.
It was dark when we heard rifle and MG fire ahead in the direction taken
by Capt. Stewart and his Co. F along
with the 1st MG Plat, of Co. H, I believe toward Radscheid.
We never saw those men again. 30 minutes later we learned
that all our motor transport, with 18 enemy prisoners, was
bogged down somewhere in the mud.
At twilight on the 18th we were surprised and pleased to make contact
with Col. Descheneaux and his staff - it
had been rumored that we were out of contact with Regt. Hq.
We learned that we were to counterattack Schonberg in the morning to
free elements of the 331st Med. Bn. and wounded
Americans. The regiment moved ahead, pretty much in single
file, for several hours in total darkness, my
is that 2d Bn. was on the right, 3d Bn. about 800 yards to the left and
1st Bn. to the rear right.
The first realization that I had that we were out of
contact with Division was personally hearing Col. Descheneaux
ask Lt. Col Scales and his S-3 "where the hell are we?11 We
finally located in a small patch of woods about 2,000 yards northeast of
Oberlascheid and were aroused at 0530 19 Dec. My enthusiasm was low due
to a painful infection on my leg where the shoe and leggings pinched.
We moved out from the woods at 0615. For the first time, the men openly
grumbled about "all the running and no fighting." They, of course,
realized we were withdrawing toward St. Vith. The majority of them had a
few D rations, although a few had K rations.
All had the same ammunition they
had brought out with them the 17th.
At 1000 hours, talks were rumored to be mauling the 1st Bn. The 2d Bn.
was advancing with E on the left. G on the right, and Hq. Co. as rear
guard, with Co. H pretty well in the center prepared to offer heavy
weapons support in any direction. We were without Co. F and 1st MG Plat,
of H Co., both of which had been lost the night before.
Enemy riflemen or snipers started firing on us as we advanced over
turnip and sugar beet fields. One piece of lead ricocheted off the base
plate of a mortar I happened to be helping mortar squad SSgt Willis
Smythe carry for his squad's relief.
About this time, everyone realized we were well cut off with little hope
of immediate supply of ammunition. I am sure that most of us had enough
D and K rations to get along several more days without starving. Also
about this time the rumor came back to me that
and G Companies did not have forward patrols out and that the Bn. was
not maintaining good contact with the 3d and 1st Bns. These rumors have
never been confirmed - I have them on hearsay only.
At 1030 the 19th my platoon leader told me that Lt. Col. Scales had said
to “throw away" one section of mortars, and my
section was selected because it was lowest in strength. I refused
to do this, and was advised to see Col Scales myself. He was scarcely
50 yards distant. He agreed that they should be destroyed but had said
to "throw away" because that would be noiseless.
So we pulled pins, crushed
sights, and buried the base plates, tubes and pods in a stream which
would soon corrode them beyond use.
At this point, everyone was milling around. Enemy small arms fire broke
up our bunched concentration. T/Sgt. Archer of 2d Bn. Hq was seriously
wounded in the right hip, and two exceptionally brave medics carried him
to safety up the bare face of a hill. Major
Albert A. Ouellette, 2d Bn XO, was wounded freakishly - a bullet glanced
off his collar insignia and creased his neck for an inch or so. He
carried on effectively and helped Capt. Kielmeyer and Lt. Orton guide
Co. G and Hq. Co. over the hill.
Schonberg was just ahead. Co. E and a platoon of G Co were advancing
along a ravine toward the
Col Scales, Capt Jacobs of Co H, and all other officers had gone on
ahead. Lt. Emmitt I. Harman Jr. and I decided to fight it out with what
ammunition we had. Harman's machine guns successfully countered small
arms to our front, while the remaining four mortars went into action
against the self-propelled half-tracks in the valley about 1,900 yards
away. All four MG and four mortar crews were without cover or
concealment of any kind. They performed heroically. All four MG's and
two mortars were put out of action by enemy artillery hits. My mortar
observer field glasses were knocked out of my hands by a shell fragment.
T/Sgt Samuel F. Baxter rushed in to man a Jammed MG, and
immediate-actioned it, and was killed by a shell fragment, after his MG
was blasted from between his legs. He was posthumously awarded the
Silver Star.
Lt Harman was killed when aiding seriously wounded S/Sgt Gerald D.
Meadows to safety. I can still see Harman standing erect, observing and
correcting fire, and then ordering the withdrawal of his men. He also
received the Silver Star posthumously.
SSgte Raymond F. Jones and Pfc. Carl Aylesworth were
reconnoitering a withdrawal route, were killed by small arms fire, and
were recommended for the Silver Star. Pfc. Joe D. Benedetto was
seriously wounded when he crawled back to his MG to complete its
destruction, and was later killed by bombing at Gerolstein on Christmas
Eve on the way to POW camp. He too was recommended for the Silver Star.
Sgt Edward Murphy was blinded in one eye by a shell fragment while
correcting MG fire. Pfc. Calvin C. Alexander and Lawrence Post completed
demolition of Murphy's MG, then carried him to the cover of the brow of
a hill some 300 yards away. All three were recommended for the Silver
SSgt Arnold W. Almond set out down a hill to get an enemy machine gun.
He silenced the gun
after having tumbled and sprinted downhill for a hundred yards with H3
tracers floating all around him, and miraculously, he was unwounded.
This earned him a Silver Star recommended to go with the Bronze Star he
had won three days earlier.
2d LT George E. Hammond vas killed while observing and correcting fire
from a standing position. He received the Bronze Star. T/Sgt. Herbert R.
Cassidy calmly took over his duties and supervised the withdrawal or
many men over the hill's brow. SSgt. Woodrow W. Moss and SSgt Meadows,
along with Cassidy, were recommended for the Silver Star for
outstanding bravery and leadership under direct enemy fire.
Likewise were SSgt. Lloyd G.
Pearsall, SSgt Smythe, and Sgt
Hoger B. Martin recommended for decorations for gallant work in this
Sgt Charles L. Rizzoli tried to retrieve his squad's MG after TSgt
Baxter had been killed, and Rizzoli was killed in the attempt. Tec.5
Pfc James L. Meagher, after his weapon was destroyed, flew among the
wounded, and although not a medic, was personally responsible for
saving the lives of three men. He could have withdrawn to safety, but
stayed on the Job until hit by shell fragments. He had turned down a
Each of the above was recommended for the Silver Star, along with the
following of their crewmen: Cpl Everett F.
The action described above took place about 1100 to 1120 19 Dec.
What I found on the other side
of the hill was awful. Scores of men were milling around, many with
hands up, others in the act of discarding weapons and ammunition. It
became painfully apparent that I was the only officer in the area. Most
men crowded around urging surrender, but I couldn't do this and face my
own sergeants. A number of
Co. men filtered back to wildly tell about their slaughter and
surrender. I had time to notice that we were almost completely encircled
by enemy fire.
I led a column of men into a second growth pine woods. Men from the
423d, 8lst Engrs., artillery and even AA men began to Join my impromptu
command when 2d Bn. S-2 1st Lt Hartley and a 2d Lt Wassels of C Co.,
422d, appeared. When I felt we had at least eluded the enemy for a short
time. Hartley naturally assumed command of the column while I took stock
of the men. There were
199 men of 15 different companies and six different basic units.
Practically every man had some ammunition for his own weapons. After a
couple of hours of movement, we found the 422d Regt. supply base and
motor pool and crossed an enemy machine gun field of fire to rejoin it,
about 1645 on the evening of the 19th.
Major Ouellette and Major Moon were senior officers. I assumed command
of the 96 survivors of Co. H, and took over a sector of the defense. By
this time it was dark, I had lost a lot of blood from my minor but
free-bleeding wounds, and gladly accepted treatment from 1Lt John D.
Shidemantle, M.D., Assistant Bn. Surgeon who was doing magnificent work
for the many wounded. TSgt Cassidy, Sgt. Richard L. Russell, and the Co.
H Motor sergeant, S/Sgt Richard Thomas, took over for me* Captain
Kielmeyer had brought all his officers and 156 EM of Co. G through the
hill episode.
The area had been under artillery concentrations, mostly tree bursts.
The men dug in as well as they could in the cold oozing mud, and covered
their foxholes with branches and earth for protection from cold and from
tree bursts. Careful check was made on food. There was enough to deliver
two scant but hot meals to all men in the next two days. We were
exchanging scattered rifle fire with the enemy in the woods, who were
very noisy, probably to try to make us overestimate their numbers.
Complete darkness fell. My sergeants came to the log shelter which
served as Company CP.
It was here that I learned of the heroism of S/Sgt. Richard A. Thomas,
39 000 006, In leading patrols that had brought the area a truck and
trailer load of food, saved the remnants of the 8lst Engr. Company at
Auw, scouted out cross-country routes to St. Vith, and attempted to save
a captured American officer. For these and later deeds, Sgt. Thomas has
been awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, second only to the
Congressional Medal of Honor.
For participation in these actions, Silver Stars were awarded to Tec. 5
Ernest C. Gerry of F Co., and from Co H, Cpl. Herman W. Pace, Cpl.
Lawrence J. Doerr, Sgt. Roy J. Jensen, and Cpl. Clyde McDaniel. If I can
learn the full name and ASN of Pfc. Potter of Co. H, he too will be a
Silver Star wearer.
While In this log shelter, we heard an enemy sound truck open up from a
hill across the valley. It demanded our surrender, played popular
American songs, and told us how nice it would be to be playing baseball
in a prison camp. SSgt. Thomas rounded up a few volunteers, took out a
patrol, and one of his men erased the sound truck with a single
well-thrown grenade.
All was still well on the morning of the 20th. Increased enemy activity
was observed. SSgt. Russell's heavy MG Sec was brought to the top of the
hill and crossing fields of fire were set up to command the sky line
road which we were astride.
Shortly after noon, Sgt. Thomas went out to a German recon car which
approached under a white flag, coming down the
A hold fire order was issued to the men in all sectors of our 1000 yard
oval defense until Lt. Houghton returned at 1830. Houghton brought back
a German surrender -demand, with an ultimatum of surrender before 2100
hours. He told of artillery trained on our area and of troops poised for
instant attack. We heard nothing from Division or higher headquarters
during this time, except for radio messages that bad weather made it
impossible to fly in food, ammunition or medical supplies.
MaJ. Ouellette called a conference of Company Commanders, and
recommended surrender because of the uselessness of rifles against tanks
and artillery, because of the lack of ammunition reserve and food and
medical supplies. Capt. Kielmeyer and I were the only ones who suggested
that we continue to resist for another two days in the hopes of planes
and help coming to us. The consensus of the meeting was that additional
loss of life would be frightfully large and of no help to the general
tactical situation.
At 2100 a German officer hostage appeared to extend the hold fire order
and to continue dickering. Maj. Ouellette held out to a full surrender
at 0800 the 21st, requesting a truck until then. The German argued
against this, because he could not guarantee us against attacks from
another division bearing down from the north. We took a chance to give
our men time to get some sleep, gather what food they could, scrounge
extra clothing from all the bags in the area, and for those who felt
they could have a chance to escape. Many attempted, as evidenced by small
arms fire all night long everywhere but on the east. We were not
supposed to damage our weapons, but I think that most were rendered
useless, and ammunition was buried in the mud. At 0800 21 Dec 44 several
hundred disillusioned men and about four dozen officers assembled in
the gulley and were marched to Schonberg through the valley road end
woods where the 423d was so badly shot up.
Many boys left the motor park that night in the direction of Meyerode. I
have no doubts that they are the guerrilla fighters described in "The
Incredible Valor of Eric Wood", Saturday Evening Post article of Dec.
20, 1947, by Col R. E. Dupuy.
A Captain Howland of 422d Svc Co took off northeast immediately after
the conference. He had fought the Hun in World War I and in
Sgt. Claud E. Brown and
Pfc Raymond Obert died of disease and malnutrition in POW Camps. Tec 4
Claud V. Bolding and Pfcs. Joe Benedetta and Chrispin L. Miranda
died in bombing raids on Christmas Eve while POWs.
Cpl. Thurman Jenkins of Co. H smashed his jeep directly into a German
machine gun nest, put the gun out of action, was not wounded, but was
captured by the gun's crew. He should be cited for bravery, but I can't
find anyone who saw it first hand for affidavits.
Two medics have not been mentioned for their bravery - Pfc. Wayne
Menteir, attached to Co. G has
been mentioned by many of my men, but I haven't been able to get
affidavits from those who saw his feats. Tec 4 Marly Hall, attached to
2d Plat, Co. H, has received the Belgian
Croix de Guerre and has
been recommended for the Silver Star for heroic acts on the hill on the
19th and for later acts on the long prisoner march. SSgt Richard A.
Thomas has also received the palm for the Croix de Guerre, and TSgt.
Samuel Baxter also received this coveted decoration, but posthumously.
In closing this stark tale told by
"No doubt your records show that the writer was awarded the Silver Star
for the work his men did for him.
I only wish I could have deserved it more.”
Headquarters First Army
19 January 1946
General Orders
Number 9
Award of Silver star----------------
Award of purple Heart-------------
Revocation, Section
I, GO 6----
I - Award OF SILVER STAR--Under the provisions of AR
600-45, 22
September 1943, as amended, and pursuant to the authority contained in
paragraph 3c, Section
I, Circular
32, Headquarters
European Theater of
Operations, United States
Army, 20 March 1944,
as amended, the
Silver Star is awarded to the following officer:
Second Lieutenant Lewis W. Walker,
O-1 051 429,
Infantry, 422d
II – Award of Purple Heart—Under the provisions
of AR 600-45, 22 September 1943, as
amended, the purple Heart
is awarded to the
following officer for wounds received as a result
of enemy action:
Major Harold O. Prudell,
O-26842, Corps of Chaplains,
Fifth Infantry Division,
I, GO 8—So much of Section
I, General Orders Number 8,
this "Headquarters, dated 18 January
1946, as awards the
Distinguished service
Cross to
Second Lieutenant
Lewis W. Walker, O-1051429, Infantry, 422d
Infantry, United States Army, is
By Command of General Hodges:
W. B. Kean
Major General, GSC
Chief of Staff
Raymond Stone, Jr.
Colonel, AGD
Adjutant General
Headquarters First Army
25 Jan 1946
200.6 Walker, Lewis . (GNMKA)
Award of Silver Star
To: Second Lieutenant Lewis W. Walker, O-1051429,
Under the provisions of my Regulations 600-45, as amended, you are
warded a Silver Star for gallantry in action as set forth in the
Second Lieutenant Lewis W. Walker, O-1 051 429, Infantry 422d
Courtney H. Hodges,
Commanding |
Source: Original documents |
![]() James D. West |