Association History


            Up to Now

           (editor's note ‑ From a three page “flyer” (cover reproduced on previous page) published mid‑1946.)


When the 106th Infantry Division became a Category IV unit and was filled with high point men, it was scheduled to return to the States in December 1945. When alert orders were received immediately after V‑J Day, General Donald A. Stroh, Commanding, issued orders for a committee to establish a Division Association. This committee consisted of Lt. Col. F. I. Agule, AG; Lt. Col. H. B. Livesey Jr., CWS; Major Wm. Perlman, Inf; Capt. Lowther, IG; Capt. Crank, Inf; Lt. MacIntosh, and M/Sgt. Givens.


Under pressure of the stepped up program for return to the States, the committee worked feverishly to outline plans. With the assistance of Lt. Col. B. A. Bowman, JA, the Constitution and By Laws were drafted, and on 15 September 1945 at Camp Lucky Strike, a call was issued to all interested members of the Division to meet in the mess tent to vote on the organization of the Association. Subscriptions to get the Association started were solicited and all gave generously, including the attached units like the 159th Infantry Regiment. $2,200 was raised.


Major Perlman acted as Chairman at the meeting and discussion was widespread. Constitution and By Laws were unanimously adopted and seven Directors elected. Major Perlman, M/Sgt. James Connell, Pfc. Thomas Dowgin, Sgt. Victor Ladyka, Sgt. John Hall, Sgt. David Price and Lt. Col. H. B. Livesey.


Immediately after the meeting the Board met and elected the following officers, Major Perlman, President; Sgt. Connell, Vice‑President, and Col. Livesey, Secretary‑Treasurer. Steps were taken to obtain the unit and sundry funds of the units, and with the exception of the 423 Regiment funds, all were turned over to the Association, totaling $16,700.


At Camp Shanks, the Fiscal Director questioned the retention of these funds and they were placed in escrow. Due to the efforts of the committee at Camp Shanks, headed by Col. Baker, and General Jones in Washington, the ACWF released them to the Association for publishing a history. It was agreed that no action would take place for about six months, permitting everyone to settle down after separation from the Service.


During the month of January, the Secretary‑Treasurer contacted all officers and asked for instructions as to the future of the Association, recommending a strong, live, association, with a full time executive.


Business having called Mr. Perlman to Cuba for a year, he tendered his resignation as President, and Mr. Dowgin resigned, having become a Jesuit Novitiate. Mr. David Price was elected President, and Mr. D. W. Frampton, Jr. elected to the Board. This gave representation to all the regiments, Divarty, Medical Battalion, and Division Headquarters. Mr. Livesey was retained as executive on a full time basis and offered the use of his home as an office until such time as the real estate situation cleared up. It was agreed that the basic work was the establishment of as complete a roster as possible and after four months and the expenditure of thousands of dollars, that work is about completed. Over 35,000 veterans are on the roster of the 65,000 who at one time were assigned or attached to the Division.


The Association is now ready to function.


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            What the Association Plans to Do — 1946


               The Association plans an active implementing of the four objectives as set forth in the constitution. (1946 flyer)


A. To perpetuate the name and the symbol of the 106th Infantry Division as an active and living monument to those brothers of arms who have died while fighting for its standards and whose every act has reflected great glory and prestige on its now remaining veterans.


b. To permit the members to continue the many friendships that have been cultivated within the Division.


c. To establish memorials in the form of scholarships for the children of deceased members.


d. To aid the members of the Association in their peacetime endeavors.


               The Cub


The CUB will be revived on a monthly basis. Scattered as the members are, literally all over the world the CUB will be the chief method of liaison. It will contain articles on the various phases of the actions which the Division went through, personal stories of individuals, news of veterans affairs, a directory service, PX and Message Center, and Locator Section. Free want ads to offer jobs and to get jobs will be published for members.




A history of the Division is in the course of publication by the well known military Author, Colonel Ernest Dupuy. It is expected that it will be written in such form as to attain general circulation. Members of the Association will receive a special price.


               Memorial Scholarships


Immediate steps will be taken to create funds for a memorial scholarship system for the children of those comrades in arms who died in Belgium and Germany. The University of Liege has been tentatively selected for such a scholarship. Work for and on behalf of the next of kin of those killed in action will not be limited to scholarships alone.


               Roster Information


A roster of former members of the Division will be kept up to date constantly. Already thousands of dollars have been expended in compiling such a roster from numerous sources of information. This roster is the heart, the cornerstone, of the Association's work. Without it nothing could be done.


               The Convention


An Annual convention will be held at a time and place selected by the members. Since the bulk of the membership appears centered in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Chicago, it will probably be held in the East. At the time of the first convention, the temporary constitution under which we have been operating may be revised, and new Directors elected.


               Help To Members


Every effort will be made to assist members in their civilian occupations, to find jobs for them or to find men to fill jobs: to assist in obtaining full information and rights under the various forms of veteran legislation. It is not contemplated that the Association will be a static organization living only in the past but an organization of continuing assistance to those who found lasting brotherhood in the snow, mud, and blood of Belgium, France and Germany.


               What The Association Will Not Do


The Association will not enter the realm of politics. There are well established political parties for that purpose. The Veteran is not a person apart but an ordinary American Citizen. The Association will not engage in lobbying in Washington. The Association will not depart from its constitutional objectives.


Over and above all specific activities enjoined by the Constitution or established by the Convention, the Association will bend every effort to foster those principles of our national life for which all of us fought and so many died.


            Greetings to the 106th Division Association

          by General Jacob L. Devers               Commanding General, Army Ground Forces

          August 1946


It gives me real pleasure to send greetings to the “Golden Lions” who have formed the 106th Infantry Division Association and to contribute these few words to “The Cub.”


I need not remind you of the splendid record of the 106th Infantry Division from the time of its activation on March 15, 1943 until its deactivation on October 2, 1945. Between these dates you who wore the Golden Lion's shoulder patch and your comrades in the Army Ground Forces wrote a glorious chapter in the history of World War II. Your valor and staunch devotion to duty in repelling, at heavy costs in dead and wounded, the thrusts of the Nazi hordes threatening our civiliza­tion never will be forgotten by the people of this Nation.


Men who have fought so well in battle are competent to fight just as determinedly for peace. I congratu­late you for having formed the 106th Infantry Division Association in order that you might carry on in times of peace the high principles which were your inspira­tion in time of war. My very best wishes go to your Association.


            The Association: What It Stands For


          by H.B. Livesey Jr. (editor, later to become Secretary)                August 1946

Every military unit no matter how large or how small can find some reason to think it is unique in military annals. If there is no actual uniqueness, some busy person creates it. How­ever the 106th Division does have some points of uniqueness which renders planning for a peacetime organization difficult. We haven't been able to establish the following beyond question, but believe them to be true:


(1.) No American Division of any war had as many assigned and attached personnel, nearly 100,000, forty thousand at one time.


(2.) No untried American Division ever got into combat so fast, so furiously, and so completely under such all out conditions as did the 106th.


(3.) No American Division suffered such heavy casualties in such a short period of time.


(4.) No American Division went from activation into combat in as short a time.


There are other complicating factors. Some units had a higher total of casualties, but carried a large number of the same officers and men from beginning to end. As nearly as we can determine, less than 600 officers and men assigned at the time of activation were still assigned at the time of deactivation. In the month preceding overseas movement, the Division lost nearly 100% of its riflemen (the 745's), the fighting heart of the Division for whom all the rest of the Division existed to service and direct. Would the loyalty of those who replaced them (the 745's), having been with the Division generally only from October until they were captured in December, be centered in the 106th? Or would they consider this just another Veteran's group ?


The Directors, elected by some of those origi­nal members of the Division from the time of activation to Lucky Strike, feel that there is a place for an Association of 106th veterans. Lasting friendships do not always depend upon long periods of comradeship. The sacrifices, trials and sufferings in the white hot crucible of the Bulge created friendships which will last as long as two men of the Division still survive.


It is a practical age in which we live, to some, euphemistically inclined, the age of reason. Perhaps “cynical” is a better word. The graybeards amongst us who remember World War I sometimes sigh as they think of the wild en­thusiasm, naivete and flag‑waving of that war as compared with the “well, its a dirty job, lets get it over with” attitude of this war. The stories of the cry‑babies, the “we wanna go home to mamma” boys are symptomatic. But in spite of the cynicism, avarice, and materialism that seems to be gripping the nation it be­comes more and more apparent that there is still a large number of men in whom the un­selfish love of Country still burns as brightly as it did at Lexington, Gettysburg, and St. Mihiel. There are just as many in whom exists a selfless desire to help one's living comrades‑in‑arms, or the loved ones of those who fell on the field of battle. There were no combat soldiers among the crybabies.


The 106th Infantry Division Association will not attempt to adopt the “what's in it for me boys” attitude of some of the large old‑line Veterans' organizations. It will not attempt to lobby in Washington, to grab political plums, to take a political stand right, left, or center. There are well‑established political parties for that purpose. The 106th Association believes that the veteran is not a person apart, but an ordinary American citizen. The Association will have little or nothing to offer in a concrete and material way in this materialistic age.


The Association desires as members those veterans of the 106th Infantry Division in whom exists a love of Country and an esprit de corps found only among fighting men whose mutual respect and admiration has been cemented and established by their blood and suffering. It will exist first, to be of service to the dependents of those of our comrades who fell in action, and second, to maintain those friendships created as no other friendships can be, among those who face death together on a foreign shore.


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            Message From The President ‑ 1946

          by David A. Price, president               August 1946


This, the maiden issue of the civilian CUB, launches the 106th Infantry Division Associa­tion as a going concern. With my friends on the Board of Directors, I feel sure it will be a growing concern. In the editorial page and elsewhere in this issue, veterans can learn about the Association, its aims, its ideals, and the material and fraternal benefits it will make available to former wearers of the 106th shoulder patch.


I appreciate the honor and the privilege of serving as President of the Association. I can pledge that every effort of the Board of Direc­tors will be toward developing the organization to fulfill the noble aims set forth in the constitution.


The men of the 106th stuck together in hard and bitter action. The Division did its job to the best of its ability, and won honor and praise for its grim stand in the Ardennes. Now we have a more pleasant chance to stand to­gether in a strong and active civilian organiza­tion to renew those well‑knit friendships formed in war. The job of planning a program to make this possible rests with those who serve on the Board of Directors. We'll do our best, and we will always welcome suggestions from any former member of the Division.


The job of supporting the program rests squarely upon each individual veteran of the 106th. I am confident that each man will co­operate to put the program across.


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           Brig. General Francis A. Woolfley

          August 1946


Congratulations on the first peace‑time issue of “The Cub.”


As a former commander of the Golden Lions, I am happy to learn of the progress that is being made in the preparation of our division history and in the organization of the 106th Infantry Division Association.


To the veterans of the 106th.  The division that stood the brunt of the last great German offensive, upset the well‑laid plans of Von Rundstedt, bought time for the assembly of allied reserves, and by their courage and steadfastness against over­whelming odds, set the stage for the final victory over Germany's mighty armies — I send hearty greetings and best wishes for the future.



Francis A Woolfley, Colonel, Infantry, U.S.A.


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            The Officers and Board Of Directors

          August 1946


In accordance with the Constitution, the meeting at Lucky Strike elected 7 directors. These were, M/Sgt James Connell of G‑2 Section, Division Headquarters, Pfc Thomas Dowgin of the 424, Sgt John L. Hall of the 423, Sgt Victor Ladyka of Division Artillery, Lt. Col. Herbert B. Livesey Jr., Division Chemical Officer, Major William S. Perlman, S‑2 of the 424 and M/Sgt (then T/5 ) David S. Price of the 331st Medical Bn.


Immediately after the election the Directors met to select the officers from among themselves of which there were to be 3; President, Vice‑President and Secretary‑Treasurer. Major Perl­man was elected President, Sgt Connell, Vice­‑President and Colonel Livesey, Secretary‑Treas­urer. Several months after returning to the States Mr. Perlman resigned because business interests would keep him in Cuba for over a year. Mr. Connell begged off taking the Presi­dency because of business problems and the Board elected Mr. David S. Price as President. Shortly after that, Mr. Dowgin wrote in resigning from the Board because he had “taken the cloth” and become a Jesuit Novitiate. The Board elected to Mr. Dowgin's place, Duward B. Frampton, Jr. of the 422, thus giving all Regiments representation on the Board.


Most of the members of the Board have been exceedingly reluctant to speak of themselves but the following information has been elicited.


President Price is now a member of the staff of the New York State Civil Service Department at Albany. He holds an AB degree from Brown University in 1940, member of Phi Beta Kappa, captain of college tennis team, Master's degree in public administration from Harvard in 1941, age 27. He entered the military service in December 1943, went overseas in July of 1944 and came with the Division in March 1945 in “D” Co, of the 331st Medical Bn. Mr. Price is an extremely active man and with his wife, constantly ranks in the second 10 in national contract bridge ratings. He is a consistent author on personnel subjects in magazines of national circulation.


Mr. Connell, prior to military service, was active in American Labor movements in the automotive field, editor of labor papers and a professor of psychology at Gettysburg Univer­sity. He came with the Division at its activation and was M/Sgt in the G‑2 Section of Division Headquarters. He is at present connected with the “Infantry Journal” in a promotional and editorial capacity.


Mr. Livesey received the LLB degree from De Paul University in Chicago in 1929 after having spent three years pre‑law at the University of Illinois where he was commissioned a 2d Lt. of Cavalry in the Reserve. From 1930 to 1942 he was the executive secretary of the Merchant Tailors and Designers Association of America, handling their conventions, publishing of the monthly trade magazine, “The Merchant Tailor,” all public relations and personnel matters for an organization of 1200 members scattered all over the English speaking parts of the globe. He came with the Division as a Capt. of CWS on original orders of December 10, 1942 and remained with it until deactivated at Camp Shanks.


Duward B. Frampton was born in Pittsburgh in 1923. He attended Culver Military Academy where he completed 4 years Senior Infantry R.O.T.C. When in his first year of Chemical Engineering at Cornell University, war broke out and in 1942 he enlisted in the Infantry. He was on inactive status assigned to Culver for 9 months. He was assigned to the 106th at Atterbury, June 1944. He was Chief of Section of the Cannon Co. with the grade of Cpl, of the 422, taken prisoner and liberated 4 months after being captured in the Bulge. After his return to the States he was sent to West Point as an Infantry instructor and stayed there until discharged in December 1945. He is at present taking the Engineering course at Carnegie Tech at Pittsburgh which he hopes to complete in another year and a half.


For the opening issue of “The Cub” Frampton sends the following message:

               In The Way Of Greetings


Now, after a slight pause for deactivation and a change of clothing style, the outfit is com­ing back together again and The Cub has signed up for another hitch. I want to say hello! to all 106'ers and to the 422 in particular. We have two jobs to do‑mutual aid and just plain enjoying old friendships. In both respects I'm looking forward to seeing and hearing from a lot of the old gang. Good luck to a good new Organization. (signed by D. B. Frampton, Jr.)


Little more is available concerning Mr. Perlman. He was with the Division from its activation, as S‑2 or Intelligence officer of the 424 Regt from beginning to end. As chairman of the committee ordered to establish the Association by General Stroh, he was most active and enthusiastic. He is a New York lawyer, was active in the formation of the association of the hat industry and is at present with the Compania Industrial Cubana de Goma S.A., Gomas “Yumuri,” Matanzas, Cuba.


               Mr Hall says:


“I enlisted in the Army September 24, 1940 at Rochester, N. Y. was assigned to the 8th Infantry Division, Co. I, 28th Inf. Regt., Fort Jackson, S. C. In June 1942 went on Cadre to the 80th Infantry Div. at Camp Forest, Tennessee, served as Supply Sgt. of Co. I, 318th Inf. Regt. From there went on Cadre to 106th Inf. Div, March 15, 1943 to Fort Jackson, S.C. serving as Supply Sgt. of Co. I, 423rd, Inf. Regt. later transferred to Service Company, 423rd Inf. Regt. as Regimental Supply Sergeant. Participated in Tennessee Maneuvers and from there went to Camp Atterbury, Indiana.


Went overseas with the 106th Inf. Div. Saw action in the Battle of Bulge, Northern France and Germany. I have three battle stars, Combat Infantryman's Badge, Good Conduct Medal, ETO, Pre‑Pearl Harbor and Victory ribbons. Returned to U. S. with 423rd Infantry. Received my discharge at Fort Dix, New Jersey, October 6, 1945. After my discharge I took a 30 day vacation then got a job with North Penn Gas Company, Port Allegany, Pennsylvania (November 8, 1945), and am still employed by North Penn.


My parents are Mr. & Mrs. C. R. Hall of Corning, N. Y. My wife is the former Miss Dorothy Knowlen of Chattanooga, Tennessee. I am living in Port Allegany, Penna."


               Victor V. Ladyka.

ADDRESS: 604‑1/2 Grove Street, Jersey City 2, N. J.

INDUCTED: Inducted Fort Dix, New Jersey on October 13, 1942. Reported for active duty on October 27, 1942.


SERVICE: Spent about 5 days at 1229 Reception Station, Fort Dix, New Jersey. Trans­ferred to F.A.R.T.C. Fort Bragg, North Caro­lina where assigned to Btry C, 11th Battalion, 4th Regiment, where I had my basic training. Sent to join Cadre of 106th Inf. Div. in Feb. 1943 and assigned to Hq Btry. 106th Division Artillery. Attended activation and was one of the few people who was with the outfit right through until deactivated at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia in October 1945. While with 106th Division Artillery served with the S‑1, S‑4 section and also with S‑3 section.


Selected with Sgt. Craig, Major Smyth, Colonel Fayram, Major Mechir on advance detail (Overseas). Sailed on Queen Elizabeth Oct. 16, 1944. Artillery followed in November. Helped in establishing camp at Gloucester, England,  awaiting units of Division Artillery to arrive. Served with Division Artillery through combat until deactivated upon return to the states. Discharged November 25, 1945 at Fort Dix, New Jersey.


BIRTH: Jersey City, N.  J. Oct. 15, 1918.


SCHOOLS ATTENDED: St. Anthony's Catholic School, James J. Ferris High School, Drakes Secretarial College ( all Jersey City).


PRESENT EMPLOYMENT: Export Traffic Manager of Onyx International, Warren and Morris Streets, Jersey City 2, New Jersey.


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            This Business of CHARTER” Members

          August 1946


Arguments waxed violent for a while at the Camp Lucky Strike organizational meeting as to who would be charter members. There never can be a definite original group of charter members. When it was decided at Karlsruhe to pass the hat for money to get the Association started when it got back to the States, each per­sonnel officer as he made the collection, put a different interpretation on the solicitation. Some $2,200 was collected. Some contributed under the impression that they were subscribing to a book. Others, to membership in an Association as yet unborn. Still more made contributions with the understanding they would be only that. To add to the difficulties some personnel officers sent in lump sums with no names. Others, lists of those who gave to the fund without the amount they gave and others still more com­pletely itemized lists of contributors and the amounts ranging from 5 marks to 100 marks.


Those who attended the meeting at Lucky Strike thought that those at that meeting might be considered charter members. As there were only about a 100, yet approximately 2,000 had contributed to the original fund, this didn't seem quite right either. The Board of Directors considered this question at great length and de­cided the only fair way to handle the matter was to regard all those who contributed at Karlsruhe as original members and the amount contributed, regardless of its size, as dues for the fiscal year August 1945—July 1946 and that dues of $3.00 a year would be instituted starting July 1st, 1946.


At the Lucky Strike meeting all those present supposedly signed the roster. But there are only 71 names on that roster despite a head count of 117. Whether some were present but didn't sign or a sheet of names was lost some­where in the confusion will never be known.


Below is the list of those who signed there:


          Agule, Frank I., Lt. Col., AGD Hq, Columbia, S. Car.

          Alcamo, Anthony A., T/5, Hq Btry, Baltimore MD

          Aspinwall, Francis H., S/Sgt., 589 FA Hq Btry., Rome NY

          Andrews, Lowry B., Sgt., 422nd Inf., Norwalk, Conn.

          Bailey, James D., Cpl., 422 Inf., Bluefield, West Va.

          Baldi, Arlsy, Sgt., C Co. 423rd, Renton, Pa

          Belzer, M. S., Lt. Col., D Hq, S. Minneapolis, MN

          Blazin, George A., 1st Sgt., Oakland, Ca

          Buchas, Frank William, Sgt., 589th FA Bn, New Britain, Conn.

          Bulno, John E., Cpl., Joliet, III.

          Bowman, Byrne A., Lt. Col., Div. Hq, Oklahoma City, Okla.

          Brosseau, Louis D., Major, 591st FA, Lowell, Mass.

          Ceant, Melvin N., Capt., 422nd Inf., Ottawa, Ill.

          Cenko, Paul, S/Sgt., 589th FA Bn, Jersey City, N. J.

          Conlow, Joseph L., M/Sgt., Hq Inf., Philadelphia, Pa.

          Connell, Jim, M/Sgt., G‑2, Williamsport, Pa.

          Deal, Henry, Pfc., Sv. Co., 424th Inf., Conover, N. Car.

          Deem, James M., 1st Lt., 81 Engr. G‑2 (Pro),Parkersburg, W. Va.

          Deutschendorf, Elmer H., T/Sgt., Hq Btry. Arty., Detroit, Mich.

          Deni, Walter J., Pfc., Hq Co. 421, Thompsonville, Conn.

          Doerner, George W., T/4, Hq Btry. Arty, Norristown, Pa.

          Donovan, William J., T/4, D Hq I&E, Brooklyn, N. Y.

          Douglass, John W., T/4, Hq Co. 424th Inf., Pittsburgh 5, Pa.

          Dowgin, Thomas, Pfc., Hq Co. 424th Inf., Milltown, N. J.

          Emmert, David S., S/Sgt., Hq Co. 424th Inf., Hagerstown, Md.

          Gibson, William R., T/5, Sv Co. 424th Inf., Willow Grove, Pa.

          Gillan, James J., M/Sgt., Sv 424th Inf., Philadelphia, Pa.

          Gish, David J., T/4, 589th FA Bn, South Bend, Ind.

          Gorman, Thomas F., Cpl., Hq Btry., Trenton, N. J.

          Haddaway, Herbert M. Jr., Sgt., Sv Co. 422nd, Tilghman, Md.

          Hall, John L., M/Sgt.,423 Inf., Coltewah, Tenn.

          Harris, William B., Cpl., Sv Co. 423rd, W. Reading, Pa.

          Hermance, Wesley S., Sgt., Hq. Div., Bellevellie 9, N. J.

          Honaman, Earl M., Lt. Col., Div. Hq, Lancaster, Pa.

          Hirsch, Rudolph, Cpl., Hq Bt. 589th FA, New York, N. Y.

          Hursey, John BB., T/5, Hq Btry. Arty, New York, N. Y.

          Jones, Robert E., T/5, D Hq Co., Jacksonville, Pa.

          Kaufman, John C., T/4, Hq Btry. 589 FA, Prairie du Sac, Wisc.

          Ladyka, Victor, Sgt., Hq Co. Arty, Jersey City, N. J.

          Led Duhe, Howard E., 1st Sgt., Cn Co. 423rd Inf., Albany, N. Y.

          Lemley, Francis M., T/4, Hq Btry. 589th FA, Pillsbury, N. Dak.

          Livesey, Herbert B. Jr., Lt. Col., CWS, Mamaroneck, N. Y.

          Longbottom, John H., 1st Lt., 422nd Inf., Anniston, Ala.

          Lowther, Robert S., Capt., Hq, Clarksburg, W. Va.

          MacPherson, Richard J., T/4, 422nd Inf., Detroit, Mich.

          Makrianis, Alexander L., T/3, 589th FA, Saginaw, Mich.

          Martyz, Clyde W., Pfc., Hq Btry. Arty, Sunbury, Pa.

          McHugh, Thomas E. Jr., T/4, Sv Co. 424th Inf., Upper Darby, Pa.

          Mclntosh, D. E. Jr., 1st Lt., Hq Div. Arty, Clay Center, Kans.

          McLamb, Glenwood, Sgt., 589th B Btry., Dunn, N.C.

          Montenieu, Eugene, Cpl., B Btry. 589th FA, Glastonbury, Conn.

          Morgan, E. P.,. M/Sgt., G‑3, Fossil, Oregon.

          O'Keefe, James M., T/Sgt., Hq Co. 424th, Bronx, N. Y.

          Perlman, William R., 424th Inf., Brooklyn, N. Y.

          Plante, Oscar, J., Sgt., B Btry. 589 FA, Lowell, Mass.

          Pollino, Frank P., S/Sgt., Hq Btry. Arty, Philadelphia, Pa.

          Price, David S., T/5, D Hq (Pro), East Aurora, N. Y.

          Raddatz, Robert W., T/4, Hq, Chicago, III.

          Ramberg, Paulus S., S/Sgt., 589th FA, Harris, Minn.

          Roman, Samuel A., Pfc., D Hq Co., Uniter, Pa.

          Sailor, Russell, T/5, Sv Co. 424th Inf., Yorkville, N. Y.

          Schwille, George W., S/Sgt., Hq Co. 424th Inf., HoHoKus, N. J.

          Smith, Norman M., Sgt., Hq Co, Williston, S. Car.

          Smith, Raymond G., Sgt., D Hq Co., Spartanburg, S. Car.

          Souba, Frederic J., Pfc., D Hq I&E, S. Minneapolis, Minn.

          Tampack, Oliver A., T/Sgt,, 589th FA Bn, Ridgeway, Pa.

          Tuttle, Walter L., S/Sgt., 589th FA Bn, Kansas City, Mo.

          Vidana, Herbert R., M/Sgt., 589th FA Bn, Verden, Okla.

          Vorpagel, Robert, S/Sgt., 589th FA Rn, Detroit, Mich.

          Winkler, Oliver B., T/5, D Hq (Pro), Cleveland, Ohio.

          Young, Hugh, T/5, 422nd Inf., Grandview, Mo.


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            Frampton First Peace‑Time Member

          August 1946


One “first” member can be definitely ascertained. Duward B. Frampton, Jr., Schenley Apartments, Pittsburgh, Pa. was the first man to pay his dues in the Peace‑Time Association, doing so on April 19th. The second member is Jerome Frankel of 158 Dahill Road, Brooklyn 18, N. Y. Beyond that point, the secretary re­spectfully refuses to get involved.


The first group of members however, coming in, in the Spring of 1946 are listed here:


          Harold M. Bailey, 102 Marshall Avenue, Macon, Ga.

          Marcus A. Bartusek, Manly, Iowa.

          Andrew G. Campbell, 503 No. Butrick St., Waukegan, Ill.

          Harry E. Albertson, 312 So. 6th St., Darby, Pa.

          Gene W. Carstens, RR #1, Davenport, Iowa.

          Richard B. Campbell, 140 E. 81st St., New York 28, N. Y.

          Samuel L. Beader, 127 So. Euclid Ave., Westfield, N. J.

          Paul W. Barriger, RFD f# 1, Franklin, N. Y.

          Lewis A. Shirk, 616 North St,, Mifflintown, Pa.

          John W. Barrett, Jr., 1003 No. New St., Bethlehem, Pa.

          Herbert W. Allshouse, 7763 Baxter St., Pittsburgh, Pa.

          Charles E. Allen, 323 So. First St., Monmouth, III.

          Ben H. Adams, R f#l, Lexington, Nebraska.

          Paul C. Nielsen, Elkhorn, Iowa.

          Burr F. Hotchkin, 853 Cauldwell Ave., Bronx 56, N. Y.

          George K. Zak, 836 Elgin Ave., Forest Park, Ill.

          Reuben E. LeBeaux, 274 Walnut St., Shrewsbury, Mass.

          Kendig C. Bare, 305 No. Lime St., Lancaster, Pa.

          Nicholas S. Amico, 1440 Greene Ave., Brooklyn 27, N. Y.

          Roger L. Batten, 1775 Granville Ave., Chicago 26, III.

          John H. Bannan, 24 Forest St., New Britain, Conn.

          Donald D. Allen, 401 Gardenville Rd., Pittsburgh 27, Pa.

          Robert J. Caskey, 20 W. Airmy St., Norristown, Pa.

          Willie L. Chambers, Box 1177, Reidsville, N, C.

          Franklin S. Barlow, 30 Baldwin St., Hudson, Ohio.

          Hugh J. Fisher, Engadine, Mich.

          Barney M. AIford, Jr., 1400 E. Gadsden St., Pensacola, Fla.

          Richard S. Adamson, 488 Chadman St., Conneaut, Ohio.

          Frank A. Arboline, 350 First St., Jersey City, N. J.

          Stanley V. Bade, 1170 So. Lincoln Ave., Kankakee, II].

          George E. Balch, 28 McKinley St., Keene, N. H.

          James A. Bard, 65 Koster Row, Eggertsville, N. Y.

          Samuel Carlock, 1339% Camanche Ave., Clinton, Iowa.

          Charles H. Carr, 1700 So. Noland, Independence, Mo.

          Gilbert E. Hanson, Machiasport, Maine.

          James C. Rodgers, 372 So. Evaline St., Pittsburgh 24, Pa.

          Morris R. Carlin, 472 Cold Spring Ave., West Springfield, Mass.

          Charles W. Case, Mina, So. Dakota.

          John Adams, Jr., Sutton, W. Va.

          Milton A. Barnes, Jr., 195 Pond St., So. Weymouth, Mass.

          Albert G. Utah, 475 ‑ 8th Ave., San Francisco 18, Calif.

          Frank J. Alter, 2315 Greenwood Ave., Wilmette, III.

          Carmelo B. Cernigliaro, 620 Bainbridge St., Brooklyn 33, N. Y.

          Daniel Calabrese, Jr., 1022 Fitzwater St., Philadelphia, Pa.

          Robert F. Baron, 2212 Hollyridge Dr., Hollywood 28, Calif.

          Fred J. Farris, 922 Henry St., S., Roanoke, Va.

          John M. Carico, 1648 Lunt Ave., Chicago 26, Ill.

          Edwin C. Eissrig, 213 Burrit St., New Britain, Conn.

          Donald R. Candy, 218 So. Kensington Ave., La Grange, III.

          Roy A. Armold, Maytown, Pa.

          Jay B. Abraham, 414‑1/2 Third Ave. No.,Virginia, Minn.

          Paul E. Stoner, 139 No. 36th St., Terre Haute, Ind.

          Seymour S. Light, 1670 Ivydale Road, Cleveland Hgts. 18, Ohio.

          Anthony Alcamo, 1527 Gorsuch Ave., Baltimore 18, Md.

          Wayne S. Chandler, 2523 Central Ave., Anderson, Ind.

          Richard Casey, 8807 So. Gramercy Pl, Los Angeles 44, Calif.

          Edward H. Baum, Jr., 35 Terra Cotta, Johnsonburg, Pa.

          Roscoe R. Altum, 206 So. Seventh St., Tonkawa, Okla.

          Arthur D. Campbell, RFD 2, Hagerstown, Indiana.


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            Personnel Statistics

          August 1946


Before starting, let it be known that the following figures are only approximate, probably never will be determined exactly.


The total number of officers and men assigned to the Division during its history was about 63,000 of which enlisted men constituted close to 60,000 and officers, about 4,000. During the training period in the States there was an almost complete turn‑over of the Division. The strength of an infantry division is 14,037. There were 27,000 men assigned or attached to the Division during training days. The urgent need for riflemen in the ETO was marked in the Division in the con­stant withdrawal of men who had their basic and some unit training and in the fact that in the month of September, the month be­fore we went overseas, the Division lost almost every one of its T/0, 4,500 Riflemen (MOS 745).


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Association Figures

          August 1946


Compilation of a roster of Veterans of the 106th has been a beautiful headache. Not only does the Constitution require the establishment of a roster of Veterans but it was perfectly ob­vious that a complete as possible list of Veterans should be made for Division Association pur­poses to solicit members. Unlike a commercial enterprise which can always go out and get new members, the prospective members list of the Association was finished, complete, on the day of deactivation. No more will ever be added and each day the number grows less through natural attrition. The secretary's office has been in a sweat for about 4 months now and has spent about $5,000 trying to compile a basic, complete, accurate roster. It is now as complete as it ever will be.


At Karlsruhe, every personnel officer was required to submit a roster of all of the members of each unit. This was the basis of the Association roster. Not only was this incomplete (we are short the roster of K Co. 423d, the 806th Ord., Division Hq Co. and the 592nd FA Bn), but the state of restlessness of everybody, including personnel clerks was reflected in the accuracy of the lists. Typical, was one GI whose address was listed as Dew Drop, New York. After fumbling with this one for days we finally located him at New Dorp. One of the women typing cards pointed out in high dudgeon and outraged righteousness a typed‑in sentence in the middle of one roster, “now ain't all this the . . . .” 12 public stenographers have been busy for about 4 months typing cards and 4 people constantly sorting, correcting, indexing and eliminating duplicates. In addition to the basic rosters, the D. W. Frampton “Agony Grapevine” list has been used and has been of great help. “Missing” columns of the “Army Times,” roster changes in the “Army & Navy Journal” have been carefully searched. Members have sent in hundreds of names. Colonel Matthews of the 422nd has been most helpful in submitting long lists of the members of that Regt. Two cards have been typed for every name. On one of them is every shred of information available concerning the man. The other is for geographic filing to comply with postal regulations that any city in which there are 15 or more persons, all mail must be bundled separately. It can readily be seen that in a list as large as ours there will be many duplications. There are, for example, nearly 700 Smith's, nearly 100 of them John Smith. As of today all of the preliminary work on the roster has been done. It will of course require daily changes to keep it up to date. A card by card count has not been made. However, a careful estimate based on envelopes used, indi­cates that we are crowding 40,000 total.


The fact that the Division was a nation‑wide one is indicated by the fact that we have representa­tions in every state of the Union, every territory and 6 different foreign countries. Over 280 com­munities each have 15 or more Veterans of the Division. As might be expected, the roster follows the national census in almost direct pro­portion. New York State has the largest number, Pennsylvania is second, Illinois third. Here comes the only break. Instead of Michigan being fourth, New Jersey is fourth. With nearly 300 communities in which there are 15 or more members, ranging from an even 15 in towns like Torrington, Conn.; Bakersfield, Calif.; Alton, Ill.; Marion, Ind.; to New York City with approximately 2,500 Veterans there should be a wonder­ful opportunity to establish local posts. The Constitution as presently written does not pro­vide for posts but the Board has instructed the secretary to prepare an amended Constitution for presentation at the first convention providing not only for the establishment of local posts but for women's auxiliaries. The number of Gold Star Mothers who wish to be identified in some way with the Association is large and it is only fair and just that they be permitted to work with us.


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           What Members Are Saying About The Association

          1 August 1946


REUBEN LEBEAUX, SHREWSBURY, MASS: “ ”I heartily agree with every phase of the Association's Constitution. I certainly believe the sound basic objectives of the Association are as perfect as possible. As for a city to hold a convention, I vote for good old Indianapolis."




“If you have occasion to write any of my acquaintances or friends among the Hq personnel, please give them my regards. After all my letter writing while in the service, my corres­pondence has suffered a serious lapse.”




“I was very anxious and well pleased when I got the application blank for the Association. I have had it on my mind for nearly a year now wishing that there were some organization to which one could write to find out certain infor­mation about our division.


“The 106 is like a family of brothers, you gripe and complain while you are around it, and some discouraging things happen at times, and yet, you know when you get away from it you miss it like ANYTHING!”


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            Directors Meeting First Anniversary of Assoc.

          October 1946


Just one year lacking one day after the organization meeting at Camp Lucky Strike, the Board of Directors met at the office of the Association to consider the progress made to date and lay plans for the future.


The Secretary gave a verbal report summarizing the activities to date. During December and January nearly five tons of miscellaneous material was received by him and sorted and catalogued as carefully as possible.


The first meeting of the Board, February 4th, decided to make a drive for a strong aggressive Association and made an arrangement with the Secretary for full time work on a contingency basis of compensation.


From February until July almost the only activity was compiling a roster of the Veterans of the Division. Fifteen public stenographers and clerks were employed, over a quarter of a million cards typed, catalogued, indexed and corrected resulting in a roster of 40,000 names which the Secretary was informed by the Ground Forces and Colonel Greene of the Infantry Journal was the largest roster in the possession of any Division Association, Infantry, Armored or Marine. A full scale membership drive was instituted to all 40,000 names on the roster, the first peace‑time issue of the CUB sent to members. Several trips to Washington made to establish contacts for Veterans information.


All possible cooperation extended to Colonel Dupuy who is writing the Divi­sion History including a trip to his home in Vermont and cooperation extended to a “Saturday Evening Post” feature story writer. The Secretary said that it would appear that his work was about completed, that the original estimate of membership had been too optimistic and would not permit a full time Secretary as the head of the organization. He stated that his assistant, Mrs. O'Donnell, a former WAC with three years experience in an adjutant's office was performing the work very nicely under his supervision and it was his opinion that she could carry on very nicely with Secretary Livesey giving evenings, Saturdays and Sundays.


He said it was still too early to establish a paid membership roster and budget but that he felt there should be a permanent income in the vicinity of six or, seven thousand dollars which would permit a very nice tight organization with the principal expenditure for the CUB in its present form, secretarial work and a convention.


The Directors accepted the report of the Secretary with thanks.


One additional mailing to the entire roster urging membership was also asked to take place in connection with the announcement of the sale of the History.


It was unanimously decided to obtain at the earliest possible moment rented office space to relieve the pressure at Secretary Livesey's home, with the suggestion that space be obtained locally.


Next item on the docket was the question of the time and place of the convention or reunion. Secretary said he tried to find out how the various reunions of which there have been many have been organized. At one reunion 5,000 were expected and 115 showed up. At another reunion two or three hundred were expected and 3,000 showed up. It was finally decided that an experimental get‑together dinner would be held in New York City with a mailing to the 2,500 Veterans of the Division in that city and announcement to the members in the CUB, in late November or early December and from the attendance and expres­sions of opinion at such meeting to determine when and where the Division reunion should be held.


The Secretary brought up the subject of a federalized Combat Infantry Division Associa­tion. He pointed out that many division associa­tions were too weak and too low in funds to do the job they should but that with the active support of the War Department and through united effort a large active federated association of Combat Divisions should be highly successful. He said that he had a long discussion with the Sec­retary of the 75th Division which is very well organized and very sound financially and whose Board of Directors had not only approved of this idea but ordered cooperation to such other divi­sions as desired. It was agreed that the Secretary should make a thorough investigation along this line with the other eight Combat Division Asso­ciations with offices in New York City area.


On the docket was the matter of membership participation and the establishment of committees required by the Constitution. The Board felt that it was in the same position as when the question was raised at its first meeting. That is, there was not as yet a sufficient number of members to offer a selection of known abilities for committee memberships and that the establishment of committees should be deferred until the next meeting.


Secretary recommended the immediate creation of an auxiliary for Gold Star next of kin. The other directors seemed dubious about the creation of such an auxiliary as open to a possible misin­terpretation as greedy method of obtaining more revenue. Secretary showed them a dozen letters from fathers, wives and mothers of KIA's yearning for such an organization. No action was taken however at this meeting but the Secretary was instructed to permit them to subscribe to the CUB where they desired to do so.


The question of whether or not we should have a national Chaplain, Sgt‑at‑Arms and such other officers not heretofore provided by the Constitu­tion should await a vote at the first convention. 


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            What They Are Saying

          October 1946


           (The fore‑runner of the “MAILBAG” that appeared in later years. To publish each of these, as they appeared in all the CUBs, would be to much of a volume, so this is a representation of the earlier columns... editor 1991)


Leonard H. Barnes, Marshall, Missouri writes: “I have received my copy of the ”CUB" and enjoy it very much. Since my departure from Co B 424 Inf I have been engaged in taxi business with my brother. This business was left to us by our father who passed away while I was in the next town after we left Biebelsheim, Germany. At that time he was on duty with the Marines. We are enjoying  good business and I would  like to hear from some of the old buddies of my Company. Looking forward to the Division Reunion."


Lt. Howard W. Kritz FA writes from 14th Armored FA Bn, Camp Hood, Texas: “I noticed in a recent edition of the ”Army Times" that an association of former members of the 106th Division has been formed. Having served with the 591st FA Bn from maneuvers till VE Day I would like very much to become an active member of that association. Please send information concerning activities, initiation fees, etc. to me at the above address. Although a long way from national headquarters I would like to take an active part. Best of good luck in the association venture."


Harold E. Hill, Leesport, Pa. writes that he was “replacement in 29th Inf Division, Co C, 116th Inf . . . made beachhead 6 June 1944 as mortar gunner. Met my CO, Capt Charles S. Pyser and 1st/Sgt Roger Rutland of B Co 424 Inf in a hospital in Brussels.”


Lt Col Frank I. Agule writes: `Today I received the initial copy of the `CUB' number 1 issue, and I wish to thank you for thinking of me. I believe without a doubt that you have published a fine division monthly, good content, fine format, well written and should be interesting indeed to all former members of the 106th. I enjoyed the 'What They Are Doing Now' pages. Matter of this type is always good reading and interesting to former members. (Why you forgot the old AG, gets me.) !ED.: We didn't, you'll find him in the September issue ! ) We have a fine outfit here. Old regular outfit, you know; full of esprit; fine staff to work with. I am most happy here. Like my assignment, have quarters on the Post, and of course, I am happy to get back to this country where all the members of my family were born and raised and where I spent over twenty years; just like home. Spent a Sunday recently on Mount Rainier; practically in our back yard, you know. Enjoyed it, especially after those torrid months in Texas. Met three former officers from the 106th and several enlisted men; all in the 2d Division here. Glad to hear from you. Reading the `CUB' was like getting letters from friends. So long for this time, and hoping for more and better issues of the `CUB'"


Capt E. C. Roberts, Jr. former Exec. Officer and CO of D Co 422 writes: “I received in the mail yesterday the literature concerning the 106th Div. Association and was certainly happy to receive it. I have always been extremely proud to have been a member of the Div. even tho one of the many that were forced to accept capture thru no fault of my own. I am enclosing on the form which you sent out the names and addresses of the men KIA in Co D 422nd Inf. As far as I know our company (of which I was Exec. Officer and later CO during the first part of the Bulge) suffered the least casualties in killed of any company in the Regt. All of the names enclosed died after they were captured which I believe is a great tribute to the men of the company during what was their first action. We fired every round of what little ammunition we had and took a few Krauts with us. I'm enclosing a newspaper clipping which, after you filter out the junk put in by a local reporter, will tell you of the experiences of myself and three other officers of the 422, Lt. Bruce M. Fisher and Lt. John Mason Co D and Lt. Joseph Hoerth of Co K. We four were part of a handful who succeeded in effecting our escape in that fracas. It gave us personal satisfaction because even tho the Krauts got us they couldn't keep us. The best of luck to the organization and be sure and keep me on the mailing list for anything else that may come out.”


 (Clipping‑ mentioned above is two columns from the local paper telling of Capt Robert's interview with Gen Patton which lasted over a half hour. It is a good story which we hope to reprint later.)


Pfc Milton J. Ludwig tells us he was wounded 13 January 1945, Warene, Belgium by a landmine and evacuated to rear. Received eye injury, powder burns, and lacerations of face. Spent three months in hospital overseas and then returned to limited service in France. Returned to U.S. 31 January 1946 and hospitalized for further treatment of face until discharged 30 August 1946.


Harry Martin Jr. writes as follows: “I received my copy of the `CUB' and my membership card to the 106th Division Association. The `CUB' is even more interesting than it was at Camp Atterbury. Maybe it's because the `CUB' is the only means we have of getting in touch with each other. Any news of the Division and its members is of special interest.”


T/Sgt James E. Bass tells us he is now in the Regular Army and adds, “have been accredited for having led the third highest number of patrols led by any allied soldier in the E.T.0.”


T/5 Elmer C. Sprehe sends the following letter with his contribution to the Memorial Fund: “I received your letter a short time ago and I certainly thought that your offering scholarships to the children of the men who died in your Division was and is an excellent idea. I was only fortunate to be in the 106th Division for nearly three weeks while it was at Camp Atterbury, Ind. From there I left the outfit and was assigned to an engineer outfit down south. But your cause is such a good one that I shall offer a small contribution to further a good cause. Wishing you lots of luck in your Association and I hope you achieve your goal successfully.”


William E. Witt writes: “Received the membership card and a copy of the first peace‑time issue of the `CUB.' Enjoyed reading the `CUB' and think the idea of having the 106th Infantry Division Association is a grand thing both for the Division and for the fellows that were associated with the Division. I'll be looking forward to the next issue of the ”CUB."


Benedict W. Messing says: “I received my first issue of the `CUB' it is swell.”

Christopher C. Carawan Jr. writes as follows: “I received my books, membership card and etc., yesterday and I am very happy to be a member of the good ole' 106 Association. I think it is a wonderful thing and I believe every 106th Vet appreciates the things you fellows are doing to make this Association a big success. I think there is no place better than Indianapolis for a city to hold a convention.”


Louis A. Gittleman sends a contribution to the Memorial Fund. : “Here's a little something for the Memorial Fund to keep faith with those who died while with us, and for us. From a former veteran of the 106th while in the States.”


Richard Adamson says: “Just received our swell edition of the August `CUB.'  After starting it, I found that it took me back to the good ole' days. This is by far the best book ever put out and I'm proud that I have a share in it.”


Stanley Bade says: “Just received my first copy of the `CUB of the Golden Lion.' I cannot express in words my appreciation for it and this organization of which I for one am very proud to be a member. Yes, as one of our `buddies' stated we were like a family of brothers and naturally back as a civilian you missed those many contacts and have many reminiscences of our times together thru all kinds of conditions and it is a joy to know we have some connecting link of our good old 106th Division.”


Colonel Charles C. Cavender, CO 423d Inf: “I want to take this opportunity of extending my sincere congratulations on the excellence of the first issue of the `CUB.' Mrs. Cavender and I would appreciate your informing the writer of your editorial‑The Association and What It stands For— that is one of the best written articles of its kind I have seen. The Association can do a splendid job in keeping alive the spirit of comradeship and devotion to duty which enabled the members of the 106th to take it on the chin without a whimper from a single individual. If the Officers and Board of Directors will adhere to the simple principles set forth in that editorial then  we shall have the biggest and best Association of any of the units.”


Stewart H. Stern, Co K 424: Thanks for sending me the information about the Association. The printed matter is extremely presentable and whoever conceives it is deserving of high praise. The iseals of the Association are  worthy.


It is far easier to believe in an organization that sets out modestly on a program of integrity than one which speaks loudly and is unable to continue. I only hope the Golden Lions will be able to stand alone and gain the support and momentum necessary to carry out the magnificent project of permitting the children of our past buddies to have their educations. May I suggest you contact Mr. Cedric Foster, who gave us such wonderful radio support while criticism was rife in the States. I think that he ought to be an honorary member. His service was great.


Edward A. Riordan says: “I would like to take this means of expressing my appreciation for my first copy of the `CUB.' I enjoyed reading every page of it. I would also like to suggest Indianapolis, Ind. as a good place for a convention. The people of Indianapolis were very fond of the men of the 106th.


Wayne S. Chandler says: “Just finished reading the first civilian issue of the `CUB' and would like to congratulate all who were responsible for its being published. Don't you think that the Association should try to hold a convention as soon as possible ? In this way everyone could meet and talk things over. If a convention were held no more suitable place could be chosen than Indianapolis ‑ where most of the members of the 106th Division spent all the time they could. I feel sure the people of Indianapolis would welcome the former members of the Golden Lion Division if they came back for a national meeting.


Director Bill Perlman writes from Cuba: “I want to yell in a voice as loud as I can that I think the first issue of the `CUB' is wonderful. The staff has done a stupendous job. I have reread it from cover to cover several times. Naturally I was looking for familiar names. I want to know what everyone is doing. I guess the gossipy theme is still the eye catcher.


Brig Gen Herbert T. Perrin writes as follows: The first number of the `CUB' has just reached me. My hearty congratulations for a grand job. I know the magazine will grow and prosper, and keep alive our memories of our associations in the Division of which we are all so justly proud.  I have been in Mexico far the past month trying to wash out some of the more unpleasant recollections of a long siege in the hospital. Tom Riggs is assistant Military Attache here and he has done much to making my visit a most enjoyable one. Early next month I am returning to the United States and will be located at Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio; so please correct your mailing list accordingly.


“I hope your plans for a meeting of the Association in December materialize. I can think of nothing that I would rather do than see once more the old familiar faces, and relive some of our experiences together. Much to my gratification I receive an ever increasing number of letters from former members of the Division and I know that most of them feel as I do.


“The best of luck to you and the other officers of the Association for your continued success in handling a job which is far from enviable, and please give my warmest regards to any of the former members of the Division who may drop in to see you.”


B. F. Hotckins writes; “Enclosed is the address of another buddy of ours. I sent him the literature I had concerning our organization and invited him to join. I'm proud of the 106th and the fine work you all are doing. May I wish you continued success and good luck.


Capt Kern P. Pitts, formerly platoon leader in Co B, 423, now with the 1st Cavalry Division in the Occupation Army in Japan, writes: “Through a round‑about way I got my hands on the initial edition of the stateside `CUB' and found it very interesting. As a result and for other reasons too numerous to mention, inclosed find a check for three dollars for a membership to the Association.”  Capt Pitts' address is Hq 1st Cav Div G‑1 Section APO 201, c/o PM, San Francisco, Calif.


Capt (Chaplain) Robert A. Lundy, 422 and 423, writes: “I hasten to send in my $3.00 registration for membership in the 106th Inf Div Association. I believe it is a good thing. I will be able to attend the convention on the Atlantic coast, or in the east, whenever held. Inclosed is a list of names of men with whom I have been in contact or with whom I have presently lost connection. With a little effort I believe I could regain contact with some. I shall be glad to help you out in securing the whereabouts of some of the men. Do not hesitate to call upon me ‑Murray Hill 4‑ 4100, Ext 112 (152 Madison Avenue, New York 16, N. Y.). I live over in Jersey. Best wishes to you.


T/5 Henry H. Von Wald, 106th Sig Co and 806th Ord Co. writes: “I appreciated very much to get the booklet about our Division and also the other literature which was so interesting and colorfully designed. I will be glad to get the `CUB,' as I am anxious to find out how everyone else is getting along.”


Lt Col Jerome G. Taylor, Exec Officer, 2d Bn, 424th Inf points out the following errors in the S&S booklet: “I notice in Manhay story that Capt Salyers led Co H until wounded across open field. This was incorrect. Capt Wiley Cassidy led Co F, followed by Co E. Lt. Stokes was killed leading the reserve platoon of F. Lt. Auerbach was leading M.G. platoon of Co H and I do not think Salyers was there at all. Co F moved off with Capt Cassidy and I, after the armored troops failed to attack. The armored outfit didn't even move a tank in our support. Co F took Ennal also."


One of the things the Secretary never bargained for was the endless succession of pathetic, heart rending letters from wives and parents. Letter after letter mentions those who died in German camps of “malnutrition.” It illustrates once again how those who stay at home suffer as they wait not knowing what has happened to loved ones.


An unusual type of these letters is as follows: “I am taking the liberty of writing you, in my son's absence. I know, if he were home he would be only too glad to be a member of the 106th Div Ass'n and I too, would be very proud to have him a member. At present, he is in disciplinary training for going AWOL while overseas. He is stationed at * * * Disciplinary Barracks. It's so unfortunate to know that he went through some tough fighting and through the ”Battle of the Bulge" only to go AWOL while at * * * rest camp. I am heart‑broken over the whole affair, but pray very hard, that he will come home to me soon as he is all I have. He and I live together. If, when he returns, he has an honorable discharge from service I know he would be happy to join your association, or if there is anything that I could do for him toward his membership, I would be very glad to do it. Please let me know."


The Secretary doesn't know how to reply to this one. What do you suggest?


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         Changing Of The Guard

          December 1947


In all American wars, up to the time of the first World War, military units were formed generally by well‑known leaders who fought with­out reinforcements. It was not uncommon with regiments, after long continued fighting, to have on their rosters as low as fifty to seventy five men.


Modern methods of mass production and an interchanging of parts were adopted even by the military. Divisions were kept at full strength at all times, regardless of changes of any kind. One of those changes has taken place now in the Association. The Board of Directors and officers elected hastily at Karlsruhe has, with feelings of mingled regret and relief, turned over the reins to the new Board elected at Indianapolis. Fortunately, Dave Price continues as President with a wealth of experience. Secretary Livesey has been replaced by Arthur McCathran. Since the Secretary and the Association Office is the nerve center of the Association, every member should pitch in to help “Mac” in his new duties. “Mac” is thoroughly capable. He holds a law degree and will soon have his CPA license. He works in a bank in Washington (Hyattsville, Md.) Because association work is new to him he undoubtedly will have a somewhat shaky start, but is sure to come through remarkably well ‑ he's got what it takes.


The Association is over the hump. It has sur­vived its infancy. The “Esprit de Corps” is high. The membership has been growing steadily and is now over 1700. The Golden Lions are set for a long, honorable and happy career.


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            Report To Members

          By DAVID S. PRICE, President December 1947


The four months preceding the publication of this issue have been a period of great difficulty for the Association. I can now report that the difficulties have been met and overcome, and that the outlook is good for the future.


I am aware that all correspondence received by the Association between August 15 and November 15 was unanswered until the latter part of November. This condition arose through our decentralization, and through our difficulty in establishing a new national headquarters. The condition has been remedied. Hereafter, members can count on immediate replies to all correspondence, and will receive CUB on time.


From the formation of the Association in September 1945 up to the convention in July 1947, Herbert B. Livesey, Jr., of Mamaroneck, N. Y., served as Secretary‑Treasurer. Originally, we hoped to be able to promote an organization with about 10,000 members, and accordingly, the Board of Directors employed Mr. Livesey on a full time basis. He received about $3,500 for the first year of this work. It became obvious that we had set our sights too high and his salary was discontinued on September 30, 1946. He continued to devote from 15 to 40 hours per week to the Association's affairs until August 15, 1947, without pay. Due to ill health and the pressure of private employment, Mr. Livesey refused to run for reelection at the 1947 conven­tion.


Arthur McCathran of Riverdale, Md., was elected as Secretary‑Treasurer, on the assumption that our finances would permit employment of a full time stenographer for national headquarters. However, convention expenses ran higher than expected, and membership renewals were less than expected. Money was not available for clerical assistance to the Secretary‑Treasurer. Mr. McCathran found that the demands of the position were such that it could not be accomplished without help‑ he has to earn a living, like the rest of us, and the duties of Secretary require an average of 25 hours per week. Mr McCathran resigned as Secretary‑Treasurer in November, 1947, and I assumed the duties of that office.


Since November 15, 1947, I have answered about 340 pieces of back correspondence, have brought the roster and locator files up to date, and have prepared this CUB.


               Plans For Future


Plans for the remainder of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948 are discussed elsewhere in' this issue. There will be four issues of the CUB‑ this one, and February, April and June issues. Plans for next year's convention are in the making, and dates will be announced in the February CUB. 5,400 men have been contacted concerning local December 16 reunions. Local chapter or­ganization has been undertaken by five local or­ganizing committees, with nine others contacted and about to begin such work. Negotiations for publication of the Division History have been re‑opened with the Infantry Journal. Plans have been made to bolster the Memorial Fund and to promote membership.


Our present operating capital is about $1,850. By increasing income and cutting down on ex­penses, I am confident that we can have $300, plus all '48‑49 dues, to turn over to the new President and Secretary‑Treasurer at the 1948 convention. However, the assistance of many members will be necessary to accomplish this goal. The back cover of this magazine presents a con­crete suggestion as to how you can help. Please cooperate.


               Past Finances


The Inside Back Cover presents consolidated operating statements and balance sheets from Sep­tember 1945 to the present. In summary, for ex­penses totaling about $25,000, the following has been accomplished in the formative period of the Association: preparation of alphabetic and geographic index files on 42,000 former members of the 106th; publication of 10 issues of the CUB; staging of our first convention, which resulted in a direct loss of $2,700 to the Association, but which was successful from a goodwill and promotional point of view; preparation of a mailing roster for promotion of the Division History; ­this roster, on mailing address duplistickers, is worth about $400 and establishment of an active paid membership of nearly 1,100.


In short, our original working capital is exhausted. Hereafter we must get along on what we can raise in dues, sales, and CUB advertising. I think that we can plan on a budget of about $3,800 for the year beginning July 1, 1948. We have the nucleus of a good organization, and with membership participation, can grow. It's up to you.


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            Introducing The Cub

          April 1948


This special issue of The CUB goes to many men who are not on the subscription list. Therefore this brief article — to acquaint you with the existence of the 106th Infantry Division Association, its program, its aims, and its local chapters which provide the funds to bring The CUB to ever increasing numbers of veterans of the 106th.


The 106th Infantry Division Association, Inc., is a non‑profit organization of American citizens, bound together by ties of war‑formed friendships. Its mission is to perpetuate the memory of those who gave their lives under the Division's colors, and to help the orphans and members of the Division in their peacetime endeavors.


The Association holds a national convention each year. Last year's convention, with 510 men registered, saw three days of top‑flight entertainment in Indianapolis, with Joe E. Brown, Cedric Foster, and others appearing on the program. This year we are to return to Indianapolis, starting July 31, for our second annual reunion. Details are elsewhere in this issue.


During 1947‑48, we have organized 14 local or unit chapters. Nine of these chapters have held local reunions during the year. Chapters are being formed in a total of 23 areas of the country, and this will put a local party or reunion within traveling reach of nearly every member of the Association. Details about chapters, where they are, what they're doing, and how much it costs to join, are on page 68.


We have a Memorial Scholarship Fund for children of men who were killed in action. This fund is now over $1,000, and is growing slowly but steadily.


Since August, 1946, we have published 13 issues of this magazine. We plan to bring out an issue every two months in 1948. This is a typical issue‑ lots of pictures, an action story or two, a historical article by one of our leaders, and all the “What They're Doing Now” items we can get from our daily mail. We maintain a national headquarters, and will be glad to supply addresses or other information, when possible.


We have completed arrangements with the Infantry Journal to publish a book‑length history of the 106th, with maps and photos. Written by Col. R. E. Dupuy, noted military historian, the book is nearly ready for publication. Association members will be the first to receive an opportunity to order copies of this history.


In addition to the history, we have contributed toward keeping the name and symbol of the 106th before the American reading public. The Saturday Evening Post of 9 Nov. 1946 carried an article on the 106th in combat, by feature writer Stanley Frank‑ we collaborated in furnishing information for this article which reached millions of American homes. The same magazine, in the issue of 20 Dec. 1947, featured another 106th story, “The Incredible Valor of Eric Wood,” by Col. Dupuy. Our scrap book contains clippings from more than a hundred leading American newspapers, with 1947 and 1948 datelines, telling of the Division and its war‑time activities.


Our fiscal year starts 1 July and ends 30 June 1949. We plan on a budget of $6,000 to continue our program in this coming year. This means that we need about 2,000 members. We have about 1,400 members now, and have another 80‑odd Auxiliary members‑our Auxiliary is made up of friends of the Division, wives and parents, who subscribe to the CUB.


For your convenience, we have printed a membership application blank on the back cover of this issue. We'd like to have you as a member. We need your support. In the words of General Herbert T. Perrin, at the Indianapolis Reunion in 1947.


“There are many reasons why the 106th Infantry Division Association should be kept alive. Were there only this one, however, its continued existence would be more than justified. In the dark hours of the Bulge, an American columnist broadcast an unverified and unconsidered report degrading the character and valor of some of the bravest men you and I will ever know. This report went unchallenged until Cedric Foster took up the cudgel to deny point blank the implications which had been drawn. We owe it to our fallen comrades and to ourselves to keep their memories alive for future generations of Americans. I think the Association can well take as its own these words of Lawrence Binyon:


They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.


At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them.”


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            Price's Resume

          by David S. Price               Feb‑Mar 1951


This is a brief story of the 106th Infantry Division Association from 1945 to 1950. Nine out of ten membership associations collapse in their first five years, but we have weathered that critical period. We're not only still in business but are financially sound, have retained a large nucleus of loyal members, have had four successful national conventions, have several strong local chapters, have had our history published, have a memorial fund, and have a good magazine.


A friend who writes history for a living once told me that the main danger in his business is that historians look back over their shoulders so much that they often trip up and fall flat in the present. This history is not only a look at where we've been, but also an attempt to evaluate our present and guess our future, guided by lessons learned through our experience. We've made some mistakes and some progress, have had gratifying experiences, tough times, and a few hard knocks. How long we'll last, or how well we will accomp­lish our objectives — answers to those questions will depend upon our own col­lective efforts. But, to begin at the beginning. . . .




The overseas CUB of September 1, 1945 announced that the 106th Infantry Di­vision Association, with some 50,000 men eligible for membership, was formally ushered into existence yesterday at a meeting in Karlsruhe. The temporary steering committee which did the initial planning and work to build the Association was composed of Lt. Cols. Agule and Livesey, Maj. Perlman, Capts. Crank and Lowther, Lt. McIntosh, and M/Sgts. Given and Hall. In two weeks the committee raised $2,200 in direct contributions from men of the 106th, drafted a consti­tution and by‑laws, made plans for state‑side organization including the memorial fund, conventions, the history, and a headquarters, and started arrange­ments for the release to the Association of about $16,600 surplus remaining in various Division funds.


The first business meeting of the Association was held under canvas at Camp Lucky Strike, France, on September 16, 1945. 117 men were present. The constitution and by‑laws were adopted after much discussion and some revision. A board of directors of seven members was elected, and the board chose Major William B. Perlman as president and Lt. Col. Herbert B. Livesey, Jr. as secre­tary‑ treasurer.


               Growing Pains


Back in the States, after deactiva­tion, the board met in Mamaroneck, N. Y. on February 3, 1946. Major Perlman, whose business had taken him to Cuba, resigned as president, and I was elected to succeed him. The board authorized Col. Livesey to prepare a roster of all known members of the Division, and to prepare for board approval a general mailing to tell all former 106th veter­ans about the aims and program of the Association and to solicit membership.

Livesey turned his garage into an of­fice, hired clerk‑typists, and tackled the job of unscrambling hand‑written overseas rosters and converting them into useable card records. After months of work and a large expense, some 41,000 names were recorded in two files, one alphabetic, the other geo­graphic. We owe a huge debt of grati­tude to Col. Livesey, who averaged more than 40 hours a week on Association business for about 19 months to clari­fy the record at this point, he was on a salary basis for the first seven months only ‑ after that time, it be­came apparent that we wouldn't have a large enough membership to afford a full time secretary, and he continued his duties without salary.


A board meeting on April 7 authorized Livesey to make arrangements for a division history, and to send out test mailings to selected samples of the mailing list. We were incorporated on May 13, 1946. In August, the first postwar CUB appeared, edited by Col. Livesey. Our big mailing to 40,000 men went out.

Results were disappointing. By June of 1947, we had signed up only 1,000 members. It was obvious that we had guessed wrong, and had been planning on too grand a scale. That we set our sights too high was again demonstrated when we lost about $2,700 on our 1947 Convention at Indianapolis. At the close of our first fiscal year, June 30, 1947, our surplus was reduced to about $2,550. Page 43 of the December, 1947 CUB presents a report of the way we spent our funds in our first two years.


About 500 attended the first convention, with Joe E. Brown and Cedric Foster as the headline attractions. The consti­tution and by‑laws were revised, includ­ing the authorizing of chapters and an auxiliary and the expansion of the board of directors to 21 members. Plans for the history and memorial fund were advanced.


Shortly after the '47 convention, our darkest days began. Herb Livesey had resigned his full‑time non‑salaried job of secretary‑treasurer, but continued the duties of his office for about two months after the convention. His elect­ed successor, due to unforeseen complications, was not able to effectuate the transfer of headquarters and the CUB publication. Nothing happened for sev­eral months. By December we were able to iron things out, CUB publication was resumed, a new headquarters was set up, and the time‑consuming secretary‑treas­urer job was abolished and replaced with separate positions of adjutant and of treasurer. Meanwhile, correspondence had piled up unanswered, we had missed out on sending membership renewal bills, and things were generally fouled up.


We scraped through the balance of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948. Mem­bership rose to about 1,130 for '47‑48, but our surplus had been used up and our books showed a deficit of about $370. The 1948 convention, again at Indian­apolis, was attended by 306 persons and resulted in a profit which made us sol­vent again, but not by much. For the fiscal year '48‑49, membership stayed steady at about 1,100 the Chicago convention drew 250 persons, and we operated at a small profit for the year. 1949‑ 1950 membership of about 860, and a successful 1950 convention have put us in pretty good financial shape. Our surplus on December 31, 1950 stood at about $2,700, nearly all in cash, and in addi­tion we have nearly $1,500 more tucked away in our memorial fund.


So far for 1950‑51, we have about 650 members. Membership and convention attendance have decreased annually since 1947. We have managed to stay above water only by maintaining very strict expenditure control and by having all Association business handled by volunteers. Nearly every day's mail brings renewals and reinstatements from former members. Maybe we're being guilty of over‑optimism again, but it is my hope that membership has now leveled off and will begin to rise again.


We have had several articles about the 106th published in magazines of national circulation. Our division history, St. Vith: Lion in the Way by Col. R. E. Dupuy appeared in 1949.


We were formed for three objectives “fraternal, educational, charitable.” It seems to me that, unless we increase our emphasis upon the charitable objec­tives, we will continue to lose a few more members each year until we gradual­ly fold up. But, if we can instill a strong feeling of purpose into the mem­bership — to try to raise funds to help the dependents of our fallen comrades — we'll have a worthwhile program that will keep us active. There will be more about this in coming issues of the CUB, and it should be high on the business agenda for discussion at Pittsburgh.


               Honor Roll


Any history of the 106th Infantry Di­vision Association would be incomplete without a listing of the men who have worked to build it. My version of an As­sociation Honor Roll follows, with a try to list all who have contributed ideas, time and effort. The list is surely in­complete because it is based on my re­collection over a period of five and a half years. I've doubtless omitted sev­eral who deserve inclusion. I know that there are many loyal members whose names aren't here only because time, distance or other circumstances have prevented them from taking an active part. Some chapter workers may have been omitted, not because they haven't made a real contribution, but because we at head­quarters don't know about their work. Members of the Auxiliary are omitted be­cause their listing properly belongs in a separate article for the CUB. So, with the above apologies for and explanation of omissions, here is my Association Honor Roll 1945‑50:


To conclude this summary of the Association's formative years, may I remark that I have enjoyed the work that I have done with and for the organization. It has been a privilege to work with the fellows in the spirit of fine cooperation which has usually been present. In the belief that a change in management is good for the Association, I have no desire to hold any national office in the future. I'm confident that the changes which have successively replaced me as adjutant, president and editor have all been improvements for the best interests of the outfit. At the 1951 convention, I will not be a candidate for re‑election to my present office of treasurer.

The Honor Roll follows:


             Merle Allen

             Frank Anderson

             Francis Aspinwall

             Phil Bailly

             John Beals

             Myron Belzer

             Tom Bickford

             Sam Blandford

             Edward Boyle

             Paul Cavanaugh

             Gerald Cessna

             Pete Chiti

             Sam Cimaglia

             Richard Comer

             R. B. Davis

             John B. Day

             Tom Dowgin

             Pete Frampton

             Jerry Frankel

             Bill French

             Gaylord Fridline

             Bobb Frische

             Charles Hackler

             Ben Hagman

             John Hall

             Al Harding

             Vin Harrold

             Jim Hatch

             George Hayslip

             John Hopebell

             Pete House

             Bob Howell

             George Huxel

             Gen. Alan W. Jones

             Bob Kelly

             Russ Kelly

             John Ketterer

             Harold Knox

             Art Kuespert

             Marshall Lipkin

             Herb Livesey

             John Loveless

             Ed Luzzie

             Joseph Matthews

             Roger May

             Vollie McCollum

             Gen. McMahon

             Jack Middleton

             Lou Milanese

             Bill Miner

             Bob Morrison

             Arvo Paananen

             Don Palmer

             Harold Pax

             William Perlman

             General Perrin

             Kenneth Perry

             David Price

             Dave Price

             Clayton Rarick

             Tom Riggs

             Charles Robasse

             Ed Roberts

             Marvin Rusch

             Bob Rutt

             Bob de St. Aubin

             Glenn Schnizlein

             Ralph Steed

             Floyd Stewart

             Vincent Stiles

             Robert Stout

             Gen. Stroh

             Dave Trimbath

             Oakley Utter

             Russ Villwock

             Bob Vorpagel

             Alann Walker

             Lewis Walker

             James Wells

             Roy Wentzel

             Earle Williams

             David Woodson

             Amos Wright


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            Letter from Livesey to Gallagher

          Jan‑Feb‑Mar 1972


16 November 1971

My dear Mr. Gallagher:


I have read the Golden Lion, and it is excellent, congratulations.

Enclosed are two shoulder patches in answer to your appeal. The used one is, I believe, original issue, the other, after acquired.


You are kind to publish the announcement of my marriage. I had really sent it in a lazy way for a change of address notice.


Your good editorial work brings back a flood of memories. I had a bound vol­ume of ALL the published Cubs and turn­ed it over with the other records. I do hope it has been well cared for. I have a bound volume of all the Cubs I published. If I knew the Assn. could take care of it, I would donate it, but otherwise will give it to the Division History section of the New York Public Library which is quite complete.


Knowing that I had a good reputation as a civilian expert on organizing and running voluntary associations, General Stroh asked me to organize the Division Association and I accepted.


He saw to it that, all mess funds were given to me about $20,000 but more important, a list of all the assigned and attached men totalling over 41,000.


Knowing we had a membership pro­blem unlike other groups, that a potential that could never grow larger but with each day, less, I concentrated on building a membership list. I worked like hell on it at one time having twelve women compiling lists and just about wrecked my home.


But I ended up with a list of over 40,000 and had the satisfaction of the War Department saying I had the most complete roster of any divisions veterans not even excepting the Marines.


But I knew that the real problem was not the forty thousand but the fact that ours was one of the most shaken up divisions in the service and that the only ones we could REALLY count on, were the 700 who had been constantly on the rosters from activation to deactivation.


I never could get Col. Baker C/S (bless his heart hardest working man I ever knew), to understand this. He thought there should be at least 15,000 members. I couldn't get him to realize that though thousands of Escort Guard men wore the Golden Lion, they simply weren't men of any loyalty whatsoever to us.


But I used every membership trick I knew and forced draft everything to get all the members I could before the War grew cold.


At the end of the Indianapolis convention I had some 2,000 on the list but the cost was high. Rooe Simpson, who ran it for us was stubborn about it and would not believe only five hundred would attend, shot for 2000, and lost his shirt. Three thousand dollars and I had to throw in all the dues we collected there. I thought it was worth it however, and kept my fingers crossed that the new members we signed up would stick, but they didn't.


Herbert Livesey, Lt. Col. USAR (Ret)


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          The CUB Is the Lifeline

          April‑May‑June 1973


You members of this Association who receive the CUB regularly probably noted on the front cover of the last issue Jan‑Feb‑ March 1973 ‑that it was Vol. 29, No. 2. It represents a longevity which the organizers of the 106th Division Association scarcely dared to hope for when they were laboring to get the Association off the ground in 1945‑46. Volumes 1 and 2 appeared in newspaper form during the active years of the 106th Division from March 1943 to August 1945.


The longevity was assured through the uninterrupted publication of the CUB from Volume 3, Number 1 in August 1946 to the present Volume 29, Number 3 April‑May‑June 1973 you are now reading. It has not been easy. Some members have the mistaken idea that the editor writes and publishes. He does not write copy, except occasionally. The Editor depends on members for copy. We have published a CUB as small as four sheets (2 pages). Probably the largest CUB was Vol. 28, No 1 Oct‑Nov‑Dec 1971 of 32 pages. It contained a Picture Review of the 25th Annual Reunion Banquet at King of Prussia (Valley Forge), a beautiful and interesting issue, but we cannot afford it for each publication issued.


           (Recent years since 1987 have seen CUBs from 44 pages to 58 pages, due to the excellent input from the large membership, now at 1,505 members... CUB editor 1991.)


The CUB is a necessity to get information to members. For the continuity of the CUB, hence the Association, we are indeed indebted to the following editors:  List up to date. (editor 1991)


         1946‑1947—Lt. Col. Herbert Livesey. Div. Hq.

         1947‑1950—David A. Price, 331st Medical Bn.

         1950‑1952—Arvo Paananen, 592 FA Bn.

         1952‑1955—Douglas S. Coffey, 590/C

         1955‑1956—Co‑Editors Doug Coffey,

                               John Gallagher, 81 Eng/C

         1956‑1959—John Gallagher, 81st Eng/C

         1959‑1960—Larry Walden, 424/H

         1960‑1963—Wayne Black, 422/HQ

         1963‑1967—Douglas S. Coffey 590/C

                               Richard De Heer, 424/K

         1967‑1968—Robert Holden 423/I

         1968‑1969—John R. Fritz, 424/HQ

         1969‑1981—John Gallagher, 81st Eng/C

         1981‑1987—Richard De Heer 424/K

         1987‑ to present—John Kline 423/M


          Remember to assure the continuation of this Association. FEED the Cub of the Golden Lion. The CUB is the LIFELINE of the ASSOCIATION.


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Page last revised 08/15/2017
James D. West