Names of Interest
effecting the
106thth Infantry Division
by Pete House


Andler, Germany.   German 5th Panzer Army was able to break through here on the second day and by 8:30 AM had crossed the Our River Bridge in Schonberg thus completing the encirclement of both 422nd and 423rd Infantry Regiments.


Ardennes, Belgium. Large plateau in eastern Belgium between Holland and Luxembourg traversed by many rivers and streams in deep ravines. Site of the biggest American land battle.


Bad Orb, Germany. Small mountain village noted for lumber products and tourism about 40 km east north east of Frankfurt am Main. During World War lithe nearby mountain camp became Stalag IX-B and home for 3000-4000 American POWS, mostly captured during the Battle of the Bulge between Dec. 16-22, 1944.


Bad Soden-Samunster, Germany. Small town about 8 km north of Bad Orb. During WWII was the location of a POW hospital run by British POWS. A few of the more serious cases at Bad Orb were sent there.


Bastogne, Belgium. Major railroad and highway center in Southern Belgium. 101st Airborne Division got itself surrounded here towards the end of the Battle of the Bulge.


Berga am Elster, Germany. Site of slave labor camp run by the SS. Located SSW of Dresden on the Czech Border. Satellite of the infamous Buchenwald Extermination Camp. On February 8, 1945 Germans moved 350 American POWS from Stalag IX-B near Bad Orb. This included all the American Jewish soldiers the Germans could identify. They worked with other slave labors tunneling into the side of a mountain on the Elster River to build a heavy water factory. The survivors were moved to the west at the end of March to prevent capture by the Russians. Less than 100 survived the long march.


Bitburg, Germany. German Army headquarters for area opposite 28th Division. Starting point of Belgium women who walked through the lines reporting the buildup of German forces.


Bleialf, Germany. German Fifth Panzer Army captured the town by daylight of December 17. This, with the capture of Schonberg, split the 423rd from the 424th Infantry Regiments and cut off both 422nd and 423rd Infantry Regiments from the rest of the Allied Forces. This led to the surrender of these two Regiments and 589th and 590th Field Artillery Battalions on December 19.


Buchenwald, Germany. Near Weimar. This was the site of the first major human extermination camp for Jews, Gypsies, and others the Germans thought undesirable. The people were put to work under cruel conditions with little food, heat, clothing and medical help, thus insuring that many would die. Others were put to death.


Gerolstein, Germany. Railroad center in Western Germany. German troops and equipment were brought here by rail for the Battle of the Bulge. The same boxcars were overloaded with thousands of captured Americans on their way to prison camps.


Gloucester, England. Home for the 106th Infantry Division Artillery during their 10 days in England.


Hammelburg, Germany. Oflag XIII-B was located just south of town. Many of the American Officers captured during the Battle of the Bulge were transferred here on January 10, 1945 from Stalag IX-B, Bad Orb. On March 28 General George Patton sent Task Force Baum (4th Armored Division) to liberate the officers (including his son in law Col. Walker.) The task force was destroyed. Many members of the task force and POWS were killed and injured. The POWS were quickly moved by boxcar and foot towards Nurnberg and Moosburg. Others were killed and wounded when Nurnberg was bombed.


Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Many POW trains moved through here on the way to Bad Orb.

Koblenz, Germany. Many of the American POWS heading towards camps in central and southern Germany crossed the Rhine River here.


Limburg, Germany. Site of the infamous railroad yards. Many of the American POWS were kept here three days or longer locked in boxcars while the Germans repaired the rails to the east. The area was heavily bombed during day light by the USAAF and at night by the RAE. It is not known how many American POWS were killed and injured here. Stalag 12A was located here. On December 23, 44 American Officers were killed when their barracks was hit. On February 28, 1000 privates were moved to Stalag IX-B.


Le Havre, France. Site of the large rest camp called Lucky Strike after a popular American Cigarette. Most liberated American POWS were brought here from Germany to be processed for return home. They were called RAMPS, Recovered Allied Military Personal.


Luxembourg. This small country was the southern hinge during the Battle of the Bulge. Initially defended by the 28th Division.


Marktredwitz, Germany. Some 90 airline miles SW of Dresden. Many of the Berga am Ester survivors were marched here after the camp was abandoned. 90th Infantry Division released them April 21, 1945


Mooseburg, Germany. Final destination of officers moved from XIII-B Hammelburg and many other Stalags.


Nurnberg, Germany. Columns from Hammelburg were moving through here when the city was heavily bombed. Many American POWS were killed or injured.


Ober-Lasheid, Germany. Gun positions of A Battery, 590th FA Bn. Abandoned December 17 and then fought through on December 18.


Portland, England. 106th infantry Division Artillery motored here from Glouster to load onto Landing Ship Tanks (LST) for the trip across the English Channel to France.


Prum, Germany. This small university town was on the east side of the Schnee Eifel. Many men captured during the Battle of the Bulge from both the 28th and 106th Divisions spent their first night here.


Rouen, France. 106th Infantry Division Artillery off-loaded from LST’s here.


Schnee Eifel, Germany. The Snow Mountains. Very rugged mountainous area between Schonberg and Prum. Location of the 422nd and 423rd Infantry Regiments.


St. Vith, Belgium. Crossroads town and rail center in the heart of the Ardennes. 4th Division stopped their offensive here for the winter. 2nd Division moved here after the terrible

Hurtegen Forest fighting. 106th Division relieved 2nd Division December 10-11, 1944.  Division headquarters units successfully withheld the advance of the German 5th Panzer Army until December 21 thus destroying their timetable.


Schonberg, Belgium. About 6 miles east of St. Vith on the Our River and just west of the rugged mountain wilderness called Schnee Eifel. 590th FA Battalion Headquarters. 422nd and 423rd Infantry Regiments ordered to attack west towards Schonberg on December 18. 7th Armored Division supposedly to attack east through St. Vith to relieved surrounded forces. 422nd and 423rd Infantry Regiments and their supporting artillery, 589 and 590th Battalions ran out of ammo, food, gas, and medical supplies.


Ziegenhain, Germany. Site of Stalag IX-A. This camp was built by French POWS in 1940 1275 American POW non-corns moved here from Stalag 9B on January 26. USAAF strafed camp March 21 killing 44 men.


[PLACES] 5/13/94 PH

Page last revised 11/23/2006