APO 408, U S Army
SUBJECT : After Action Report (Routine Activities)
               1 - 9 May 1945

1.  The primary mission of the Regiment was guarding, administrating and supplying PWTE within the WHITE area under the supervision of the 106th Infantry Division.

2.  In compliance with FO #13 (Secret) 106th Infantry Division, the 1st Battalion, 159th Infantry completed the transfer of PWTE A-4 at Buderich, Germany, to the 3rd Infantry Regiment on the 1st May 45, and moved to its bivouac area NE of PWTE A-5 at Sinzig, Germany.

3.  All members of the Regimental and Battalion Staffs concerned with POW Administration attended a school 2 May 1945 held by the Staff of the 106th Infantry Division.  Instruction was given in PWTE Administration, Sanitation, Military Government, Prisoner Screening, Police Methods and Military Justice.

4.  As the 1st and 2nd Battalions had no regularly assigned mission they were directed to assist in guarding PWs at PWTE A-2 at Remagen.  The total was 166,788 including 313 women.  FO #3, this Headquarters (see Incl. 2) assigning missions to all Units was issued 7 May 1945.

5.  The transfer of approximately 40,000 PWs from PWTE A-2 at Remagen to PWTE A-5 at Sinzig was started at 0800 on the 6th of May.  This transfer created quite a problem as it involved a movement by foot march of all those PWs.  By 1900 the same date a total of 20,000 had been transferred.  The stockade at Sinzig already had 75,911 PWs under control.  The problem was further complicated because of the 1,190 German youths (15 and 16 years of age) and women prisoners that had been received.  Separate stockades were completed however, which alleviated the problem somewhat.

6.  The Regiment was assigned an additional PWTE at Andernach, Germany, effective 8 May 45.  This enclosure was in the process of being built and was to be occupied originally by transferring the 40,000 PWs then in the enclosure at Plaidt, Germany.  The 2nd Battalion was assigned the responsibility for this enclosure, PWTE A-11.  By 10 May, 39,570 PWs had been transferred from Plaidt, Germany to the Andernach enclosure.

7.  T 2000 on 8 May the Regiment received a message to the effect that there was a riot at the stockade in Andernach.  The 1st BN, 2nd BN, Anti-Tank Co and Cannon Co were alerted and moved out for Andernach.  This call proved to be a false alarm and the alert was called off at 2130.  In anticipation that there may be similar calls in the future, the Regimental Commander directed that there be an established Regiment Alert Procedure.  Generally this Plan as published (see inclosure #3) indicates the organization of an "Alert Riot Team" within the Organization of each enclosure, and two "Alert Riot Companied" within the Regimental Area. (White)

8.  In compliance with Division orders the 1st Platoon, Company "D" 1st BN 159th Infantry departed 8 May 1945 to report to the Commanding Officer 3rd Infantry at Lindfort, Germany.  This platoon was assigned for duty to the RHEINBERG PWTE with the mission of supervising the emplacement and operation of eight (8) LMG's around the enclosure.

9.  The 1st BN was ordered to move to Koblenz, Germany on the 8th of May with the assigned mission of administering PWTE A-10.  A total of 68,210 PWs were received at this enclosure by transfer of PWs from PWTEs at A-2 and A-5.  This movement was by rail.

10.  Regiment received orders to establish a pool of 10,000 PW laborers for shipment to France.  Three hundred (300) PWs were also ordered to be transferred to the 15th Army.  On the 7th May the 106th Infantry Division directed that 5,000 PW laborers be evacuated to Champagne, France from PWTE A-5.  This destination was later changed to Bolbec, France.  This movement was accomplished by rail.

11.  Personnel:

   Officers  1
    Enlisted Men 6
   Battle Casualties none
   Non Battle Casualties none
      Officers 153
      WO 5
      EM 3,049
    Present for Duty  
      Officers 153
      WO 5
      EM 2,954
      Officers  0
      EM  1,845

   Units (see incl. #4)

Changes in assignment:

Captain RICHARD T. WILKER, O 1287108 reld from command of Co "K" asgd to Hq Co, 3rd BN as BN S-1 and CO of Hq Co, 6 May 45.

Captain JOSEPH W. MARKS O 1288921 reld from command of Hq Co, 3rd BN and asgd to Co "K" as CO, 6 May 45.

Key Officers:
Kotzebun, Leon L. Colonel O 9700 Commanding
D'Orazi, Victor W. Lt Colonel O 364372 Executive
Heyer, Robert E. Major O 353768 S-2
Higgins, William G. Major O 382802 S-3
Gainor, Hunter B. Mahor O 416082 S-4
Lakusta, Walter Captain O 420861 S-1
Spitzberg, Randolph Major O 411656 Regtl Surgeon
Chedister, Joseph C. Lt Colonel O 336349 CO 1st BN and CO PWTE A-11
Walsh, Irvin H. Major O 360900 CO 2nd BN and CO PWTE A-10
Gibbons, Robert Majr O 346326 CO 3rd BN and CO PWTE A-5
Harrison, William E. Lt Colonel O 333171 CO 6951 Prov BN and CO PWTE A-2

12.  EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS:  On the 8th May and additional 28 3/4 ton and 54 21/2 ton trucks with trailers were assigned to the Regiment.  These are in operation and helping greatly to alleviate the transportation problem.


Captain, Infantry


#1.  Unit Journal dtd 1-9 May
#2.  FO #3, this Headquarters
#3.  MEMO: Regimental Alert Procedures
#4.  Atchd Units for Operational purposes

Provided by Roger Myers and David Wiswar.
Page last revised 09/16/2016
James D. West
