(Personnel Annex) Battle Casualties
Killed Wounded Missing Captured Total Total SL and NBC
O EM Total O Em Total O EM Total O EM Total O EM Total O EM Total
Hq Hq Co & Band                               0 6 6
Hq Sp Trps & Med                               0 1 1
MP Platoon                               0 3 3
422 Inf       2 1 3             2 1 3 2 21 23
423 Inf                               5 298 303
424 Inf                               2 174 176
Hq Btry Div Arty                               2 2 4
589 FA Bn                               0 25 25
590 FA Bn 0 1 1 0 3 3             0 3 3 0 16 16
591 FA Bn                               0 5 5
592 FA Bn                               1 9 10
81 Engr C Bn                               1 22 23
331 Med Bn                               3 11 14
806 Ord Co                               0 3 3
106 QM Co                               0 4 4
106 Sig Co                               0 2 2
106 Rch Trp                               0 2 2
3d Inf *                               2 110 112
159 Inf *                               2 73 75
401 FA Bn *                               0 0 0
627 FA Bn *                               0 71 71
Total 0 1 1 2 4 6             2 4 6 20 858 878

* Atchd


No Prisoners of War were captured during this period.

Annex #2 (Summary of Enemy Action)
to Ltr Hq 106th Inf Div, 1 June 1945
Subject: "Report After Action Against Enemy"

Period 1 May 1945 to 9 May 1945 (Incl)


During the report period, the number of intelligence teams was at the usual lever, consisting of one OB, PI, MII, and two IPW teams.

The duty of the Order of Battle team for the period were varied, keeping abreast with the enemy situation and assisting with G-2 matters.  Help was given to S-3 in making small unit general inspections.

Activity of the Photo Interpretation team consisted principally of processing various captured German films thought to be of value in enemy intelligence.

The German MII team was kept busy at the G-2 section to handle all problems requiring German-speaking interpreters, and in this capacity rendered assistance to the CIC and Military Government.

IPW team #156 on duty with 424 Infantry, was assisting the S-2 in preparing for segregating and screening prisoners of war.

IPW team #82, after taking part in a school for all unit's CO's and Staff's on the segregation and screening of prisoners of war, proceeded, on 5 May 1945, to the 3rd Infantry for the segregating and screening of prisoners.

106 CIC Detachment

On 1 May 1945 this detachment was located at Stromberg, Germany.  The mission of the detachment consisted of maintaining the security of the division CP which also was located within the city of Stromberg.

During the period covered in this report the detachment headquarters was moved from Stromberg to Bad Ems, Germany.  The last elements of the detachment prior to departure conducted a security search within the vacated division CP for lost or undestroyed classified material.

After arrival in Bad Ems the mission of this detachment was to provide and maintain troop security as well as preparation and planning for future operations in conjunction with the mission of the division in regard to the PWTEs under divisional control.

During the period covered by this report this detachment, except as otherwise stated, was either in movement or assisting in the preparation of plans for the mission it was about to undertake within the PWTEs.

(Supply & Evacuation)
To Ltr Hq 106th Inf Div, 1 June 1945
Subject "Report After Action Against Enemy"

PERIOD 1 MAY 1945 to 9 MAY 1945 (Incl)

During the period 1 - 9 May, arrangements were completed for supply and evacuation of the division units in their assigned areas through Fifteenth Army or ASCZ installations.  Contact parties from the division services were placed in the areas to insure coordination and proper servicing of the units.  The fact that units were so widely separated made a complete supply and evacuation through division impracticable.  The supply of T/E equipment, however, to all units was continued through division services.

The urgent need of supply for PWTEs made necessary the utilization of division service elements to supplement the supply service of ASCZ.




     a.  Glass I:  Rations issued from division truckheads during the period were made on the following basis:

Type "A"  99.87%
Type "C"      .13%

Arrangement were made for units distant from the Division QM to draw from the closest Army, ADSEC, or CONAD class I point.

     b.  Class II & IV.

During this period Class II supplies were drawn from Army depot at HERBESTHAL, BELGIUM.

In addition to the regular Class II supplies for the division, 322 tons of German material was picked up in the FRANKFURT and DARMSTADT areas, and hauled in 106th Quartermaster trucks to PWTEs guarded by the division.

There were no essential Quartermaster items needed by the division which were not available.

Approximately 347 tons of Class II and IV supplies (this total includes supplies for division troops and supplies picked up for PWTEs) were hauled into the division and distributed by the 106th Quartermaster Company trucks and personnel.

     c.  Class II:

During this period units of the division were each in a different area guarding PWTEs.  Because of the distances from the Division Quartermaster, arrangements were made for each unit to draw POL products from the nearest Army, ADSEC, or CONAD Class III Depot.  Division troops, however, continued to draw from the Division Quartermaster Class III DP.

The following POL products were drawn and issued by the Division Quartermaster DP:

Gasoline 29,035 gallons
Aviation gasoline 500 gallons
Oils 650 gallons
Greases 195 lbs
Kerosene 75 gallons
Diesel Oil 300 gallons


     Because units of the division were spread out over such a large area, arrangements were made for each unit, with the exception of division troops, to go to the nearest Army, ADSEC, or CONRAD Salvage Repair Company.  Division Troops continued to be handled by the Division Quartermaster.

Because units of the division were spread out over such a large area, arrangements were made for each unit, with the exception of division troops, to go to nearest Army, ADSEC, or CONAD Salvage Repair Company.  Division Troops continued to be handled by the Division Quartermaster.

During the period the following items were taken by the Division Quartermaster to the 593d QM Salvage Repair Company at HERBESTHAL, BELGIUM for repair: 



Lantern, gasoline


Generator, lantern


Fire unit


 3.  LAUNDRY: 

During this period the following laundries, in the division areas, were used: 

604th QM Laundry


457th QM Laundry


636th QM Laundry


635th QM Laundry


 The Division Quartermaster took over a civilian laundry at VALLEMDAR for the use of division troops. 

Units were advised to use any existing civilian facilities available in their areas to supplement the Quartermaster laundries, which gave first priority to hospitals. 


     Bathing facilities were furnished by the 4231 S & B Co at ANDERNACH, FI?THEM, and NIEDERBRESIG, and by the 814th Mobile Shower Unit at MaI?MEIM.  The Division Quartermaster operated the Municipal Bath at BAD EMS for troops in that area. 

In addition to the shower units provided, units used bathing facilities located in the billets and public facilities existing in their areas. 


     Trucks of the 106th Quartermaster Company travelled 41,664 miles during this period. 


The medical units of the division were stretched from BUDERICH in the north to HEILBRONN in the south.  Organic medical detachments operated  dispensaries, prophylactic stations and rendered medical service to all troops assinged, attached and casual, all along the Rhine River.  This, in addition to rendering great help in the organization of PWTEs, physical classification of all troops (profiling) and the multitude of other duties considered routine. 

The care of the sick and wounded PWs held in the enclosures operated by division was the priority mission of the division medical services.  Care of the sick resolved itself, not only in the treatment, evacuation, hospitalization and supply of medical items, but also in the feeding, sheltering and the controlling of sanitation within the enclosure.  PWTE, containing up to 168,000 louse infected people, a high percentage of whom are either sick or wounded, cramped into spaces initially meant for 20 to 50 thousand was not a pleasant picture.  The picture of each of the 100,000 PWs having more than one bowel movement (1 to 4 thousand cases of dysentery in each enclosure) daily, did not comfort the medical officer.  Compartmentation and construction of the enclosure seemed to come along slowly and the water supply was at best inadequate or minimal.  Housing or shelter for the young or old was non-existent.  Food was not plentiful.  All this added up for more and more potential work for the medical service, and a maximum effort was obviously necessary. 

During this period 6 PWTEs were placed in operation by the division.  Each enclosure was furnished one or more medical teams consisting of 3 officers and 12 enlisted men to organize, administer, and render medical service to the enclosure.  The Medical Battalion was thoroughly exploited of its officer and enlisted personnel to form teams, and of its organic equipment to aid in the accomplishment of the mission.  Additional medical teams were placed at our disposal by the Advance Section of Com Z.  Each team, before attachment to an enclosure, was given a blue print or basic plan of operation.  Guide T/O’s & T/E’s for infirmaries, special medical centers and administrative headquarters were furnished.  Hospitalization policies and plans for evacuation of personnel from enclosure to hospital were issued.  Orientation talks were held and problems to be met and goals to reach were outlined, so that medical teams did enter their enclosure well oriented as to their mission and as to the means available in the accomplishment of its mission.  It was not at all, therefore, surprising that the medical service was always the first to be thoroughly organized and functioning.  This usually within the firs 36 hours after the opening of the camp. 

German POW medical officers and personnel were screened, secured and rapidly organized.  Infirmaries were set up in compartments and in places where it was hoped compartments would be.  Each infirmary was staffed y two or three German medical officers and 12 German enlisted medical personnel.  The infirmary consisted of a dispensary and a small 25-bed hospital, and generally serviced some 5,000 POWs.  Special medical centers (hospitals of 100 to 500 beds) were set up to handle the more severe diarrheas or other special type cases.  All possible medical service that could be adequately rendered within the enclosure, within the means and capabilities of the staff, was accomplished.  Adequate medical service was available.  Cases which needed more extensive hospital care were upon approval of an American medical officer transferred to an adjoining hospital. 

Sanitation within the enclosure was a first priority project.  A plan for the control of sanitation was issued and placed into effect in many enclosures.  However high water tables, poor drainage, rainy weather, lack of shovels, latrine boxes and the ever present thousands of dysentery cases, were only part of the sanitation problem encountered.  Lice and delousing was ever present.  Delousing teams were trained and DDT, when available was used.  Delousing because of incomplete compartmentation of camps and lack of DDT made little progress in this period. 

Medical men cannot work without medical supplies and therefore the medical supply problem was fundamental.  During this period no medical supplies were delivered either to the division or the enclosure by any higher headquarters.  All medical battalion trucks and all agencies of the surgeon’s office were on a constant 24-hour medical supply hunt.  All dumps and caches, true or rumored, were investigated.  KASSEL, BURG, FRANKFORT, LEVER KRUESEN, were ferreted.  Camp medical supply officers were requested to and did join the hunt.  A minimum of supplies was obtained.  The hand to mouth supply existence continued.  Sick calls varying from 1 to 10 thousand daily caused pressing needs.  Though the cry for supplies was incessant and the deliveries spasmodic, the quantities delivered do furnish a mare minimum for a day to day basis.  Cots, tentage, litters and basic instrument sets were the most critical of items; necessary expendable drugs less critical. 


1.  OPERATIONS.  The period 1 May thru 9 May 1945, the 106th Signal Company was located in two different areas.  From 1 May to 3 May inclusive, the Company was located in STROMBERG, GERMANY.  On 4 May 45 th4 Company departed STROMBERG for BAD EMS, GERMANY, arriving the same day, to install the communication system for the 106th Infantry Division and its attached units.  The Division extended from LINFORT, Germany to MANNHEIM, GERMANY, a distance of approximately 300 miles.  Within this period the communication system was handled by motor messenger, air messenger, radio and telephone. 

For meritorious service in connection with military operations, the officers and enlisted men of the 106th Signal Company have been award the following decorations: 


Number Awarded

Silver Star


Bronze Star


Purple Heart


Meritorious Unit Citation




     a.  Message Center Section.       

Messages dispatched:








Motor messenger runs








Total miles traveled


Airplane messenger








Total miles flown


      b.  Cryptographic Section 

(1) Messages








(2) Groups








      c.  Radio Section 

          (1) Total messages received and transmitted --------- 436

          (2)  Total code groups received and transmitted –----- 22,554 

     d.  Telephone and Telegraph Section. 

          The telephone and telegraph section made a survey of telephone calls placed over the Division Headquarters switchboard on the following day:  

          7 May 1945 -------- 1,554 

     e.  Teletype Section. 

          This section did not operate during the period covered by this report. 

     f.  Construction Platoon. 

          (1) Types of wire lines constructed and rehabilitated:  

Wire W-110-B

15 miles

Spial Four cable

11.25 miles

Open wire

70 miles


96.25 miles

           (2) Types of wire recovered: 

Wire W-110-B

40 miles

Spiral Four cable

.50 miles


40.5 miles

      g.  Division Signal Repair Section. 

          The following equipment has been repaired during this period by the Division Signal Repair Section: 



Radio receivers


Switchboard BD-72


Switchboard BD-100


Movie projectors


      h.  Division Signal Supply Section 

          From the period 10 December 1945 thru 9 May 1945 the Division Signal Supply Section has issued 323 tons of Signal equipment. 



     The Division Ordnance Office, Division Ammunition Office, and 806th Ordnance (LM) Company were located as follows: 

     May 1 – 3           BINGEN, GERMANY

     May 4 – 9           BAD EMS, GERMANY 


     The Division mission of guarding PWTEs which were widely scattered presented an unusual problem for Ordnance Support.  The northern-most units to be supported were located at WESEL, GERMANY, and the southern-most at HEILBRONN, GERMANY, a distance of 250 air miles.  Arrangements were made with Ordnance Officers of ASCZ and CONAD for ordnance support for the units which could not be supported by the Division maintenance company.  Ordnance parties were sent to each of the units to insure that units were receiving the desired ordnance support, to make inspections, and to report difficulties encountered, to Division Ordnance Officer. 


     Status reports were submitted direct to Chief Ordnance Officer, COM Z.  No items were received, due to necessary changes in shipping instructions. 


     Ordnance general supplies were obtained from 182d Ordnance Depot (ASCZ) located at KITZENGEN, GERMANY.  On May 8 all requisitions were cancelled by the Depot and new requisitions were submitted. 


     Inspection and repair of weapons of 3d Infantry Regiment was conducted during this period.  Liaison was maintained with other units of the Division. 


     Normal shop work continued.  In addition, liaison was maintained with all Division units. 


     There were no expenditures of ammunition for this period.  Basic loads were reconstituted. 


    At the beginning of the period the 91st Engineer Battalion was assigned the mission of assisting Engineer Groups in the division area in completing the construction of Phase I of PWTEs already occupied, to supply the necessary future Engineer supervision and conduct reconnaissance for ant to haul, Engineer materials needed in the construction of these enclosures.  

     In addition, Company “C” began the operation of a rock quarry located in BINGEN, GERMANY, whose daily output was to be used on access roads to PWTEs.  With the exception of Company “B” which was located at BAD NEIDER BRESIG, GERMANY (WF687123) working in support of the 346th Engineer General Service Regiment and the 159th Infantry, all four companies were situated in BUDENHEIM, GERMANY (WF314586) and all four companied were under Bn control.  Four water points were in operation supplying division units each point having a daily average output of 6,000 gallons.  On 3 May 1945, Company “A” (- 1 Plat) moved by motor convey to MORS, GERMANY (RA240175) and on 4 May 1945 Headquarters and Headquarters and Service Company moved by motor convoy to BAD EMS, GERMANY (WL975928).  Company “B” started the construction of the PWTE at SINZIG A-5, erecting fences, conducting reconnaissance for and hauling engineer materials to assigned dumps.  Company “C” supervised the construction of the PWTE at HEIDESHEIM and continued operation of the rock quarry at BINGEN, GERMANY.  On 5 May 1945, 1 platoon from Company “A” began reinforcing the fixed bridge at BAD EMS< GERMANY to a capacity capable of supporting a two-and-one-half-ton truck with its normal load and opened it to traffic on 1200, 7 May 1945.  Companies “A”. “B”, and “C” worked in support of the 1330th, 346th, and 372d Engineer General Service Regiments respectively, assisting them in the construction of Phase I in the enclosures at RHEIMBERG, BUDERICH, REMAGEN and HEIDESHEIM, while three Officers from Headquarters conducted daily inspections of all PWTEs in the division area, reporting progress of their construction to the Battalion Commander.  The period closed with all lettered companies actively engaged in the construction of PWTEs and situated at the following locations: 

Hqs, Hq & Serv Co


Company “A”

Vic MORS, GERMANY (RA240175)

Company “B”


Company “C”


 Recapitulation of Engineer Operations 

1.  Roads: 

     a.  Construction: 2 miles

     b.  Repaired     : 2 miles 

2.  Bridges:  

     a.  Constructed  : None

     b.  Reinforced    : One

     c.  Maintained    : One 

3.  Miscellaneous: 

a.  Bulldozer hours


b.  Dump truck hours


c.  Platoon hours


d.  Number post laid


e.  Yards of fence erected


f.  Yards gravel or rock hauled 


g.  Number truck loads PWTE supplied hauled


h.  Number PWs employed


i.  Number guard towers erected


j.  Water point output (gals)


k.  Gravel pit output (cu yds)


l.  Map substitutes and overlays produced


m.  Signs painted:



3 May 45

     Requested by

Dredge 27




Water point

n.  Maps distributed



PERIOD 1 MAY 1945 – 9 MAY 1945 (Incl)


1.  At the opening of the period the Division CP was located in STROMBERG, GERMANY.  Major Sheehan had returned from detached service with the 69th Infantry Division.  Four officers and six enlisted men were present for duty with the section.  On 1 May 1945, the senior Military Government Officer was advised by the AC of S, G-5, that as this division has no area of Military Government Responsibility, that the Military Government Section had no authority to exercise jurisdiction over any area.  The section was further advised that the Military Government Courts of this division have no jurisdiction for the trial of cases.  As a result of this directive, the only Military Government function left to this section was liaison between local Military Government and division units. 

2.  Major Sheehan was placed in charge of the special staff section responsible for administration of prisoner of war temporary enclosures.  Technician fourth grade Lembo was also placed in that section. 

3.  During the first week of May, a officer of this section delivered a one hour talk on the rules of land warfare as regards prisoner of war, to all of the major units of the division. 

4.  On 4 May 1945, the CP was moved to BAD EMS, GERMANY, One officer was established in the Rathaus to act as liaison between units of the division, Special Troops, and the local authorities.  The remainder of the section, the senior Military Government Officer, Deputy Military Government Officer and three clerks remained with the CP, to handle problems from the division as a whole. 

5.  Senior Military Government Officer called on Supply Section, G-5, Fifteenth U. S. Army to determine what local supplies were available for use in prisoner of war temporary enclosures.  He was informed that such matters were handled through normal G-5 channels, and that no list of available captured supplies was as yet compiled. 

6.  On 8 May 1945, a report was received concerning art objects stored near NASSAU.  The senior Military Government Officer investigated and determined that the objects were adequately protected,  Exact location and circumstances were reported to Fifteenth U. S. Army. 

7.  During this period 1 – 9 May 1945, this section was principally concerned with handling many small problems arising from necessity of requisitioning items from civilians, problems arising by reason of the unfamiliarity of troops with the exact implication of the non-fraternization policy and with the rules and procedures necessary to effect local requisitions.  Much advice was rendered on both subjects and it is felt that much of value was accomplished. 





2 MAY 45 

FO #14

MAP: GERMANY Road Map, scale 1:500,000, sheet #4. 

1.  Not applicable.

2.  106th INF DIV (-), moves by Mtrs Vic BAD EMS, GERMANY, 4 May 45.


     Atchd: 81 ENGR BN (-)

                331 MED BN (-) 

     Moves by Mtrs from present area vic STROMBERG, GERMANY, to BAD EMS, GERMANY, in accordance with Incl 1, Atchd. 

x.  (1)  Memo, “SOP for Mtr Movements:, Hq 106 INF DIV, 7 Mar 45, will be complied with throughout move. 

     (2)  AA MGs will be prepared for action, half loaded and manned throughout move.

4. a.(1)  Cl I:  Units will arrive vic BAD EMS, GERMANY, with one (1) days rations. 

       (2) Cl III: Tanks and cans will be full on departure. 

    b.  TRAF: 

        (1) Div PM will post route and provide necessary Traf control throughout Mtr move. 

         (2) Local MPs will assist in controlling Traf through major towns. 

5.  a.  Radio silence throughout move. 

     b.  106 INF DIV CP will open BAD EMS, GERMANY, 041200 May 45.   

Maj Gen






1 Incl.

Mtr March Table 

DIST: Special 

Annex 5 to “Report After Action”,

Hq 106 Inf Div, 1 Jun 45 




Comdr          : Lt Col Hewitt

No. Vehicles   :  175

No. Serials       :  2

No. March Units :  8    


1.  Route: Cross RHINE RIVER at BINGEN to N-42.  N-42 to intersection with N-260.  N-260 to SCHWALBACH to N-54 to LIMBURG.  N-49 to RJ 261.  N-261 to BAD EMS. 

2.  IP – Intersection of Route N-9 and Route #50, BINGEN, GERMANY.  Head passes IP 040700 May 45. 

3.  Speed – 40 miles in two (2) Hrs. 

4.  Distance between vehicles 60 Yds. 

5.  Interval between march units – 2 ˝ Min. 

6.  Interval between serials – 5 Min. 

7.  Halts:  A ten (10) Min halt will be taken every two (2) Hrs on the even Hr, starting at 0800. 




HQ 106 INF DIV       


2 MAY 45

FO #15 

MAP: GERMANY Road Map, 1:500,000 Sheet #4. 

1.  Not applicable 

2.  3 INF (less three (3) Bns) moves vic LINTFORT, GERMANY, by Mtrs 3 May 45.  CO, 3 INF will assume command RED GROUP as of 032400 May 45 vice CO, 1st BN, 3 INF relieved. 

3.   a.  3 INF (less three (3) Bns):  Moves by Mtrs from present area vic WACKERHHELM, GERMANY, to vic LINTFORT, GERMANY. Route:  N-9 to BINGEN to KOBLENZ to BONN to COLOGNE to NEUB to intersection with Route N-222.  Route N-222 to intersection with Route N-57.  Route N-57 to intersection with Route N-58.  Route N-58 to destination.  Head of Clm passes unit IP 030600 May 45. 

     x.  (1)  Memo, “SOP for Mtr Movements”, Hq 106 INF DIV, 7 Mar 45, will be complied with throughout move. 

          (2)  AA MGs will be prepared for action, half loaded and manned throughout move. 

4.  a.  (1)  Cl I:  3 INF units will arrive vic LINTFORT, GERMANY, with two (2) days rations. 

          (2)  Cl III:  Tanks and cans will be full on departure 

     b.  EVAC:  Co “A”, 331 MED BN will provide 3 INF with one (1) ambulance for move. 

     c.  TRAF: 

          (1)  Div PM will post route and provide necessary Traf control throughout Mr move. 

          (2)  Local MPs will assist in controlling Traf throughout major towns. 

5.  a.  Radio silence throughout move. 

     b.  3 INF will report new CP location and time of opening vic LINTFORT, GERMANY. 

Maj Gen




DIST:  Special 

Provided by Roger Myers and David Wiswar.
Page last revised 09/16/2016
James D. West
