Camp Atterbury, Indiana

23 September 1944
Time Character of Training Place Instructor Uniform Texts
Monday, 25 Sep 44 0830-0930 1. Organization of the Army
2. Organization of the Medical Department (c)
Bldg #714 Lt Col Neigus A FM 100-5, FM 101-10, FM 8-5 chap 1, FM 8-10 chap 1 to 8/ser
0930-103- Military Courtesy (c&d) ditto Lt. LeManche A FM 21-50,Sec XXX, FM 21-100 chap 1-2, TF 21-2048 (26 min)
1030-1130 Function of the Medical Department (Echelons of medical service) (c) ditto Lt Col Neigus A FM 8-5 chap1, FM 8-10 chap1, FS 8-75, FS 8-76
1230-1330 Organization of the Infantry Division (c) ditto Major Axalrod A FM 100-5, FM 101-10 Charts chap 1, FM 101-10
1330-1530 The Army leg and arm splint (E,d & A) ditto Captain Grosh A TM 8-50 chap 1, FM 101-10, TM 8-220 chap 3 sec III
1530-1630 Calisthenics. Dismounted drill (positions, steps and marchings (a) Area 2 Lt. McCoy A FM 21-10, FM 22-5 par 1-32, FM 21-100, TM 21-220
Tuesday 26 Sep 44 0830-1030 Individual equipment and shelter tent pitching (d & a) Area 2 Lt Penney B plus full field equip. FM 21-15 sec IV, FM 21-100, FM 23-5 par 241
1030-1130 Military neuropsychiatry (c) Bleg #714 Major Fischbein B As directed
XXXX-1420 Scouting and XXXXXX ditto XXXXXX A XXXXXX
XXXX Map and aerial photo reading ditto Lt. Jennings A XXXXXX
XXXX Calisthenics and dismounted drill XXXX Lt. McCoy A XXXXXX
XXXX Chemical warfare orientation Bldg #714 Major Liveay A XXXXXX
0930-1130 Chemical warare orientation Area 2 Major Liveay A All as above
1230-1330 Communications in combat Bldg #714 Lt. LaManche A XXXXXX
XXXX Calisthenics and dismounted drill Area 2 XXXXX A XXXXXX
Thursday 28 Sep 0830-1030 Treatment of gas casualties Bldg #714 Capt Grosh A XXXXXX
1030-1130 Defense against air attack and identification of aircraft XXXX XXXXX A XXXX cards for aircraft identification
1230-1330 Compass Bldg #714 Lt. Jennings A FM 21-25 par 38
1330-1530 Military sanitatior (c) ditto Capt Gardner A FM 8-45, TM 8-220, FM 21-10, F 8-999, F 6-1179, TF 8-1000
1530-1630 March Area 2 Lt. McCoy A None
Friday 29 Sep 44 0830-1030 Procurement and issuance of supplies (c) Bldg #714 Lt. Rinck A T/O and T/E 8-10, FM 8-5 par 42-46 and 52-54
1030-1130 Troopship and POM (d) ditto Capt Lichtblau A TF 21-1265, TF 55-1287
1230-133- Film - Infantry weapons ditto Lt Col Belzer A TF 7-1266 (30 min)
1330-1430 Employment of weapons of the Infantry Division (c) ditto Lt Col Belzer A As directed
1420-1530 Employment of medical field units Battalion aid station (c) ditto Major Chapman A FM 7-30, FM 8-5, FM 8-10, FM 8-35, FM 8-55, FM 21-100, FM 100-10, FM 101-10, TM 8-220
1530-1630 Employment of medical field units Collecting Station (c) ditto Lt. Hillman A Same as above
2000-2200 Night problem, scouting, patrolling and compass reading at night (d & a) Area B Lt. Jennings B FM 7-10 par 36 & 158, FM 21-75 chap 3, FM 5-15, FM 5-20, FM 21-25
Saturday 30 Sep 44 0830-0930 Employment of medical field units Clearing Station (c) Bldg #714 Capt Grosh A FM 7-30, FM 8-5, FM 8-10, FM 8-35, FM 8-55, FM 21-10, FM 100-10, FM 101-10, TM 8-220
0930-1030 Orientation ditto Lt Col Belzer A None
1030-113- Map and aerial photo reading (Aerial photography) ditto Lt. Jennings A FM 21-25 par 39-42, 46 &47, FM 21-26 par 76-88
Monday 2 Oct 44 0830-0930 Intelligence and counter-intelligence ditto Lt. LeManche A FM 30-25, WD Cir 99 cs, AR 380-5 sec VIII
0930-103- By Your Command ditte Capt Lichtblau A TF 21-2056
1030-1130 Orientation ditto Lt Col Belzer A None
1230-1430 Anti-personnel mines and booby traps (d) ditto Engineer Officer A TF 25-394 (21 Min)
TF 5-594 (27 min)
1430-1630 Nomenclature and care of organizational equipment (c, d & a) ditto Capt Grosh A FM 8-10, TM 8-220, MD supply catalogue
Tuesday 3 Oct 44 0830-103- Field medical records (c & a) ditto Capt Grosh A FM 8-45 sec XXX appendix. AR 20-1025 Sec. II,IV,VII & IX
1030-1130 Orientation ditto Lt Col Belzer A  
1230-1430 Water purification (d & a) ditto Capt Gardner A TF 8-1174
1430-1630 Field exercise Area B Lt Col Belzer Leggins, steel helmet, full field pack FM 21-10 chap 8, FM 100-5 par 374-398
1630 - Overnight bivouac Area B   ditto  
Wednesday 4 Oct 44 0830-1030 Conference orientation Bldg #714 Lt Col Belzer A  
1030-1130 Train Surgeon ditto Lt Col Belzer A  
1300-1500 Examination and discussion ditto Lt Col Belzer A

Key: (c) conference  (d) demonstration  (a) application

1. Attendance: All Medical Department officers who have not been with the division on maneuvers.
2. No individual will be excused from classes without approval of this headquarters (Surg O).
3. References will be studied prior to classes.
4. Pencils and pads will be brought to all classes.

By command of Major General Jones

F. I. Agule
Lt Colonel, A. G. D.
Adjutant General

     one copy each officer
     two copies each unit
     fifteen copies Div Surg O.
Contributed by John D. Bowen, National Archives Researcher
Page last revised 05/23/2009