106th Infantry Division
"The Golden Lions"

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The History of the 106th Infantry Division

by Major General Donald A. Stroh
Commanding General

When the history of the Ardennes fighting has been written, it will be recorded as one of the great strategic Allied successes of the war in Europe. Tactically, for the 106th, and the other American divisions involved, it was a bitter and costly fight. But it becomes increasingly clear that the Germans expended in that last futile effort those last reserves of men and material which they so badly needed a few months later. The losses and sacrifices of the 106th Infantry Division paid great dividends in eventual victory.

These pages are dedicated to those gallant men who refused to quit in the darkest hour of the Allied invasion, and whose fortitude and heroism turned the tide toward overwhelming victory.

Donald A. Stroh
Major General, Commanding

  • No American Division of any war had as many assigned and attached personnel, nearly 100,000, forty thousand at one time. 

  • No untried American Division ever got into combat so fast, so furiously, and so completely under such all out conditions as did the 106th.  

  • No American Division suffered such heavy casualties in such a short period of time. 

  • No American Division went from activation into combat in as short a time.

The sound of a bullet
The power of a blast
The blood of a comrade
The depth of your wound
The dread of dawn
Your fear of pain

The sound of your honor
The power of your courage
The blood of your wound
The depth of your strength
The terror that binds you
The dread that remains

The sound of your laughter
The power of your voice
The blood of your yearning
The depth of your healing
The joy that frees you
The hope that remains
Your wholeness and your love

by Randy Wood.

A site for the personal memories, recollections and lives of the individual members of the World War II 106th Infantry Division, "the Golden Lions" and  the Battle of the Bulge.

I wish to thank all the members and the Board of Directors of the 106th Infantry Division Association for my Silver Officers Class, "Order of the Golden Lions", given September 2004, my Letter of Appreciation of September 5, 2006, and my beautiful Plaque given at Indianapolis 09/12/2009.  Jim West

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Page last revised 03/07/2021
James D. West