30th Reference # 182
743rd Tk Bn ASN’s & Other Data

All Data obtained from AAR of January 1945

            Name                          Rank       ASN             Status                          Date                Co.


Adkinson, Theodore B.          Lt         0526016         WIA                            1/03/45            B

Alderson, Thomas C.              2Lt      01996610        BS Medal                    1/30/45            Hq

Amiot, Gilbert H                    Pvt       37271947        Jnd Co                         1/19/45            Hq Co

Amundson, Harlan J.              1st Sgt  37271933        Comm 2nd Lt               1/23/45            C

Bartley, Richard W.               Pfc       16073557        WIA                            1/19/45            A

Benjamin, Clarence L.           Maj     0312866          Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            Hq

Calaganis, John                      S/Sgt   32092668        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            C

Callahan, William J.              S/Sgt   16088479        KIA                             1/16/45            D

Cavanna, Mario A.                 S.Sgt   39842990        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            C           

Cook, Eastman R.                   Pvt       32770145        Prom to Pfc                 1/10/45         Med Det

Cummings, Lonie R.              Pfc       35095863        Trsfd to C Co              1/14/45        Fr Hq Co

Dieser, George F.                   Capt    01011842        Plt. Ldr                        1/02/45            Hq

Dorer, Francis M.                   Sgt       33587305        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            C

Dorer, Francis M.                   Sgt       33587305        Releived as 1st Sgt      1/05/45            C

Duncan, William D.               Lt Col  0330647          Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            Hq

Duquoin, John S.                    S/Sgt   37200153        30 day Furlough         1/08/45            A

Eichmann, Gerhardt W.         T/4      37072593        WIA                            1/15/45            D

Enderle. Vernon J.                  Pfc       37325220        WIA                            1/22/45            A

Fawcett, Wayne W.                Cpl      37224540        Rec’d Silver Star        1/01/45            B

Ferry, Ishmel M                      Sgt       6294758      KO’d en tank                  1/22/45            B

Fritz, Harry G.                                    Pfc       33559694        Sick                             1/01/45            Hq

Fritz, Harry G.                                    Pfc       33559654        Rejnd Plat                   1/02/45            Hq

Fruhwirth, Bernard T.            Lt        01017105        Trsfd fr D Co              1/29/45       To A Co

Ganer, George J.                     Capt     0354766          WIA                            1/14/45           D

Gaun Jr., Richard P.              Pfc         32520235        Trsfd fr Med Det to “D 1/15/45         D

Geabos, George T.                  Pvt       36773682        Prom to T/5                1/01/45            A

Gentile, Charles C.                 Cpl      17051457        Trsfd to Co C              1/08/45  frpm  Hq Co

Gentz, Vernon A.                    Sgt       37553602        Jnd Co A                     1/15/45            A

George, Francis E                   Pvt       33511991        WIA                            1/22/45            A

Gerlach, Martin (NMI)           Pfc       39922790        To Hosp                      1/15/45            A

Gibson, William J.                 Pvt       36477237        Prom to Pfc                 1/10/45         Med Det

Goldworm, Julius J.                Pvt        32520235     Trsfd fr med det to “D”    1/15/45       D     

Green, Arnold M.                   T/5      31112524        WIA                            1/22/45            B

Green, George                        Sgt       31052037        Jnd Mortar Plat           1/08/45            Hq Co

Grimm, George J.                   Sgt       13060065        WIA                            1/03/45            B

Hall, Clois                              Pfc       34194739        Prom to T/5                1/08/45            A

Hansen, Jean F.                       Lt        01010599                                            1/23/45            B

Harris, Merlin D.                    Cpl      36476176        Jnd Co                         1/19/45            Hq Co

Hastalis, Constantine E.         Lt        01027255        WIA to Hosp.              1/12/45            A

Hayes, Daniel E.                     Lt        0529084                                              1/16/45            Hq Co

Hayes, Daniel E.                     Lt        0529084          WIA                            1/20/45            Hq Co

Hibnes, Carroll E.                   Lt        01996671                                             1/14/45           D

Hicks, Ernest  J.                      Pfc       18165396        WIA                            1/14/45            Hq Co

Hicks, George E.                    T/5      34391010                                            1/14/45         Med Det

Hirsh, Meyer J.                     Pfc          33587449        Trsfd fr Med Det to “D”  1/15/45      D 

Hurley, Robert F.                    Pvt       32943829        KIA                             1/16/45            D

Hutchinson, John C.               Pfc       33882898        KIA                             1/16/45            D

Jackson, Paul T.                      Sgt       37200510        Rec’d Silver Star        1/01/45            C

Jarvis, Robert C.                     Cpl      12124104        Knocked out Mk IV    1/15/45            B

Jones, Robert C.                     Sgt       35733794        TD to SHAEF 5 days  1/15/45            A

Keating, Raymond G              Lt        01011237        Jnd Mortar Plat           1/08/45            Hq Co

Keating, Raymond G.             Lt        01011237        Com’d of Mortar Plat 1/18/45                       Hq Co

Keating, Raymond G.             Lt        01011237        Trsfd to D Co              1/29/45   From Hq Co

Kirksey, Ernest L.                  Sgt       34433119        Hit SP en gun              1/23/45            B

Korrison, David W.                Capt    01013027        WIA                            1/22/45            A

Landy, Herman H.                  2 Lt     01547999        Jnd Med det                1/08/45            Hq Co

Lee, Edward D.                      T/5       38323685         Trsfd  fr Hq to B         1/15/45           B

Leveque, Charles J.                Pvt       3687005          Jnd Co (A)                  1/11/45            A

Leviton, Bernard S.                T/Sgt   37268265        Trsfd fr Hq Co                        1/05/45            To C

Lindquist Jr., William J.        S/Sgt   37200007        WIA                            1/22/45            Hq Co

Longheier, Paul J.                   Lt        0886914          Bn Liaison Off            1/21/45            Hq

Loos, George H.                     T/5      33696012        Trsfd to Svc Co          1/01/45            from A

Macht, Walter D.                    Lt        0389163          Rec/d Silver Star        1/01/45            C

Marquardt, Albert E.              T/4      37272111        BS Medal                    1/30/45            Hq

Mason, Donald L.                   Sgt       37123461        Rec’d Silver Star        1/01/45            A

Mason, Otto E.                       T/4      17067420        Jnd Co                         1/19/45            Hq Co

Mattison, Joel B.                    Lt        01014920        CO 1st Plat                  1/23/45            B

Moore, Thomas J.                   Pfc       42077313        Sick Call                     1/03/45            Hq

Morey, Frederick A.               S/Sgt   3920489                                              1/14/45            B

Morey, Frederick R.               S/Sgt   39004890        C.O. 1st Sect                1/03/45            B

Morgan, Roy L.                      Sgt       17046628        Jnd Co                         1/06/45            A

Morgan, Roy L.                      Sgt       17046628        Trsfd to Svc Co          1/08/45            from A

Morton, William D.               S/Sgt   16104191        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            from A

Murray, James H.                   Cpl      37271909        Trsfd to Hq Co            1/08/45            from C

Myers, Everette L.                  T/4      37194145        BS Medal Post Hum   1/30/45            Hq

Naughton, Raymond E.          Pfc       32770192        KIA                             1/22/45            A

Nelson, Urho I.                       Pfc       37270089        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            Hq

Norsworthy, Algernon           Pfc       31166667          Trsfd fr D to Hq         1/15/45          Hq

O’Brien, John J.                      Lt        01012322        Tk Commander           1/13/45            B

Olson, Rudolph                       T/4      37271131        BS Medal Post Hum   1/30/45            Hq

Oski, Alexander P.                 S/Sgt   37271903        KIA                             1/22/45            A

Parents, Anthony J.                Pfc       33792628        To Hosp                      1/01/45            A

Pearce, James A.                    Pfc       34826725        30 day Furlough         1/08/45            A

Philips, Vodra C.                    Maj     0364786          Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            Hq

Plasky, Harold H.                   Pfc       36650221        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            Hq

Pokorny, Joseph P.                 T/5      37271967        Rec.d Silver Star        1/01/45            Hq

Preble, George                                    Pfc       34800825        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            B

Reynolds, Charles L.              Cpl      37511070        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            A

Schacher, Elmo N.                  Sgt       37123367                                            1/14/45            B

Schacher, Elno M.                  Sgt       37123367        Repl. Adkinson           1/03/45            B

Scherer, Harold C.                  Pfc       35868111        WIA                            1/16/45            Hq Co

Schesvold, Walter G.             T/5      37270773        To Hosp. Eye exam    1/06/45            Hq Co

Sheppard, James E.                T/5      13154056        KIA                             1/16/45            D

Shepps Jr. Harry L.                 Pfc       33614413        WIA                            1/11/45            Hq Co

Sherman, John W.                  Pvt       31365839        Trsfd to Hq Co            1/21/45     From D Co

Silver, Edgar S.                      S/Sgt   36736923        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            C

Smith, William D.                  Pfc       32058471        To Hosp Eye exam     1/06/45            Hq Co

Smithson, John E.                   T/5      35725897        To Hosp                      1/15/45            A

Snyder, Thomas                      Cpl      33559770        WIA                            1/22/45            A

Soper, Edison E.                     Pvt       33435110        Trsfd to B Co              1/20/45    From A Co

Staffilena, Raymond G.          Lt        0106512          1st Plt Ldr                    1/03/45            B

Steen, Gordon C.                    Pvt       37580534        WIA                            1/22/45            A

Tarlowski, Carl E.                  Capt    0421437          Apptd Bn Surgeon      1/13/45            Hq Co

Tempesta, Anthony                S/Sgt   33082666        Jnd Co (A)                  1/11/4              A

Tempesta, Anthony                S/Sgt   33082666        WIA                            1/17/45            A

Thornell, Clyde S.                  Lt        01014607        Rec’d Silver Star        1/01/45            C

Tipton, Dorsey E.                   Pfc       37395430        to Hosp – Sick                        1/08/45            A

Vocana, George (NMI)           Pfc       39317866        WIA                            1/14/45            Hq Co.

Vogel, Robert W.                   Pfc       3529047          Prom to Cpl                1/06/45            Hq Co

Wanner, Charles N.                Cpl      37509956        KIA                             1/22/45            A

Wetzer, Sidney (NMI)            Pvt       32642276        WIA                            1/12/45            Hq Co

Wieser, Lambert V                 2 Lt     0887480          2 Olc to S/S Post Hum1/30/45           Hq

Will, Warren L.                      T/4      33100226        BS Medal Post Hum   1/30/45            Hq

Wood, Arthur V.                     Sgt.      37193398        Rec’d Bronze Star      1/01/45            B

Zipkin, Abe S.                        Pfc       32776794        Jnd Co                         1/06/45            A

Zipkin, Abel S.                       Pfc                               Trsfd to Svc Co          1/17/45   From “A”


Source: Frank Towers
Page last revised 05/26/2012
James D. West