Fw 190D-9
W Nr 211016
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No photo at Freeman Field except for crash photos below

Source Disposition
War Prizes
pg 211
Surrendered to the RAF at Flensburg and identified as 'USA 12' or 'USA 15'.  Transported to the US aboard HMS Reaper
War Prizes
pg 211
08/01/1945 recorded at Wright Field although it was still enroute there at that time
08/01/1945 at Newark to be sent to Freeman Field
War Prizes
pg 211
09/13/1945 flown from Newark to Freeman Field by Lt William V. Haynes
War Prizes
pg 211
09/22/1945 completely destroyed in a crash just outside Freeman Field after failing to recover from a low altitude 'wingover' maneuver, during a demonstration flight put on for a gathering of members of the Institute of Aeronautical Sciences.  Lt. Haynes was killed in the crash.
Accident Report

This Auction is for a Custom built and Detailed 1/18 Scale WW-2 German FW-190 flown by Major Josef "Pips" Priller of JG51-JG26 Who achieved fame as one of only two pilots to attack the allied invasion forces on D-Day June 6th 1944, His plane was named "Jutta". He was credited with 101 victories against Allied Fighters and Bombers.

"JUTTA"was captured at war's end, and was included in the aircraft brought to America by Operation "Lusty", receiving the identification FE-119 At Freeman Field. The eventual fate of this aircraft is unknown.

Eureka! We had found something! In the next few days we brought up about 3 tons of other German aircraft parts, along with a scattering of some AT-10 parts and a very curious pair of Spitfire Mk. 9 gear doors. In addition to the cylinders, there was one bank of DB605 V-12 engines (they were used in the Bf-109), several turbine wheel sections from a JUMO engine of the Me-262, a couple dozen prop blades, some wooden and mostly metal, about 50 various landing gear struts, several wheels, some with tires still on them, a dozen or so radiators for liquid cooled engines, hundreds of odd pieces of sheet metal and aircraft framework. One of the airframe parts was what appeared to be a very sturdily built wing tip, obviously of jet or rocket quality. A comparison of the part with some photos and interestingly enough a 1/32 scale plastic model of a Me-262, show it to be the outer two feet of the left horizontal stabilizer of a 262. Possibly the largest single piece brought up was the entire vertical stabilizer of a FW190 still showing the camouflage paint scheme and the swastika on each side.

We have the full story on one FW-190D-9, W/Nr211016, (FE-119), that crashed at Freeman on September 22nd 1945 and the tail was ripped off the aircraft on impact. The rest of the plane bounced, cart wheeled, and came to a rest a quarter of a mile beyond the impact point. It is said that the pilots body was removed from the wreckage and the plane was buried right where it came to rest. It appears that the tail, which was some distance from that site, did not get buried and somehow ended up in the dump site which we were now digging up. However, our tail was from an earlier FW-190A model and it is not the D-9 that we thought it might be.


Seymour Daily Tribune
Seymour, Indiana
Monday, September 24, 1945

Freeman Field Pilot Killed - Plane Crashes
Lt. Haynes, 20, Held Distinguished Flying Cross After Duty With Ninth Force Overseas

Lt. William V. Haynes, twenty years old, 16 Newton Place, Pontiac, Michigan, was instantly killed Saturday Afternoon when his single-engine fighter plane crashed near Freeman Field during a routine flight.  A board of qualified Army Air Force officers has been appointed to determine the cause of the accident.

A combat pilot on temporary duty at the Freeman Field Air Technical Service Command installation, Lt. Haynes recently returned from the European Theater where he served with the Ninth Air Force until completing his tour of duty.  He held the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters and the European Theater ribbon with four battle stars.

Lt. Haynes is survived by his mother, Mrs. C. E. CeLap, Pontiac, hsi sister, Pvt. Gladys Haynes in the WAC detachment at Selfridge Field, Michigan, and his stepfather, C. E. DeLap, Pontiac, Michigan.

United States Army Air Forces
Accident Report
German FE-119
Courtesy of Mike Stowe