Single-seat suicide attack plane (models 11, 21, 22,
33, 43A, 43B, and 53), single-seat trainer (K-1),
or two-seat trainer (Model 43 K-1 Kai), of mixed
Pilot(s) in enclosed cockpit
(Model 11 and 21) Three Type 4 Model 1 Mark 20
solid-fuel rockets with a total thrust of 1,764 lbs.
(Model 22) One 551-lb.-thrust Tsu-11 turbojet,
with a Hitachi 100-hp four-cylinder inline auxiliary
engine as a gas generator.
(Models 33, 43A, 43B, and 53) One
1,047-lb.-thrust Ne-20 axial-flow turbojet.
(Model 43 K-1 Kai) One 573-lb.-thrust Type 4
Model 1 Mark 20 solid-fuel rocket.
Warhead in the nose, as follows -
Ohka 11: 2,646 lb.;
Ohka 22: 1,323 lb.;
Ohka 33 and Ohka 43: 1,764 lb.
Dimensions, weights, and performance:
(Ohka Model 11)
Wingspan, 16 ft. 9 9/16 in.;
length, 19 ft. 10 13/16 in.;
height, 3 ft. 9 21/32 in.;
wing area, 64.583 sq. ft.;
empty weight, 970 lb.;
loaded weight, 4,178 lb.;
wing loading, 73.1 lb./sq. ft.;
power loading, N/A;
maximum powered speed, 403 mph at 11,485 ft.;
terminal dive velocity, 576 mph.;
range, 23 statute miles.
(Ohka Model 22; all performance figures
Wingspan, 13 ft. 6 7/32 in.;
length, 22 ft. 6 7/8 in.;
height, 3 ft. 9 9/32 in.;
wing area, 43.055 sq. ft.;
empty weight, 1,202 lb.;
loaded weight, 3,197 lb.;
wing loading, 74.3 lb./sq. ft.;
power loading, N/A;
maximum powered speed, 276 mph at 13,125 ft.;
terminal dive velocity, N/A;
range, 81 statute miles.
(Ohka Model 43B; all performance figures
Wingspan, 29 ft. 6 11/32 in.;
length, 26 ft. 9 ¼ in.;
height, 3 ft. 9 9/32 in.;
wing area, 139.930 sq. ft.;
empty weight, 2,535 lb.;
loaded weight, 5,004 lb.;
wing loading, 35.8 lb./sq. ft.;
power loading, N/A;
maximum powered speed, 345 mph at 13,125 ft.;
terminal dive velocity, N/A;
range, 173 statute miles.
Source's and further reading:
Rene J. Francillon,
Japanese Aircraft of the Pacific War; Munson,
Fighters and Bombers of WWII; Bernard Millot, Divine
Thunder: The Life and Death of the Kamikazes; Rikihei
Inoguchi and Tadashi Nakajima with Roger Pineau, The
Divine Wind.