Stalag XII-A |
Stalag XII-A Main Gate 28 March 1945 |
Stalag XII-A Main Gate 28 March 1945 |
28 March 1945 |
All large photos above, courtesy of Murray Schwartz | ||
STALAG XII A LIMBURG (MIT ZUCHTHAUS FREIENDIEZ) Der Kriegsausbruch 1939 hatte auch die Einrichtung von Kriegsgefangenenlagern durch die Deutschen zur Folge. Über »Auffanglager« hinter der Front und »Durchgangslager« (»Dulags«) als Zwischenstationen kamen die Kriegsgefangenen ins Reichsgebiet, wo sie je nach Dienstgrad und Waffengattung in ein »Offlag« (Offizierslager), ein »Marlag« (Marinelager) oder z.B. in ein »Stalag Luft« (Lager für Angehörige der Luftwaffe) eingewiesen wurden. »Stalags« stand für »Stammlager«; hier wurden die einfachen Mannschaftsdienstgrade des Landheeres untergebracht. Die Lager waren in die militärische Hierarchie eingeordnet und unterstanden der Abteilung für Kriegsgefangenenwesen im Allgemeinen Wehrmachtsamt beim OKW. Über den Stalag-Kommandeuren stand das jeweilige Wehrkreiskommando, nach dessen lateinischer Nummerierung auch die Kennziffer des jeweiligen Lagers vergeben wurde. Das »Stalag« Limburg XII A bei Diez diente vom 28.8.1939 bis 29.1.1940 als »Dulag«, dann bis Kriegsende als »Stalag«, ausgelegt für ca. 43.000 gleichzeitig untergebrachte Kriegsgefangene, vor allem Belgier, Franzosen, Briten, Polen, Russen, US-Amerikaner und Italiener. Benachbart zum Stalag befand sich das reguläre Strafgefängnis Freiendiez, in das Kriegsgefangene bei Verstößen eingewiesen wurden. Auch Todesurteile wurden dort vollstreckt. Näheres zum Stalag Limburg und zum Gefängnis Freiendiez findet sich bei Marie-Louise Crone. Translation of the above document courtesy of Jorg Stachel The outbreak of war in 1939 caused the establishment of Prisoner of War camps in Germany. From “Auffanglagers” behind the front lines, to transitory Camps ”Durchgangslager”, the prisoners came into the German Nation where they were segregated by rank and by service component.. For example, “Oflag’ was for officers, “Marlag” was for the Navy,, a “Stalag Luft” was for Air Force members. “Stalags” stood for “Stammlager”, which were operated for the enlisted grades of the Army. All Camps were incorporated in the military hierarchy under the direction of the POW Dept within the Department of Defense. The “ Wehrkreiskommando” commanded the camp Commanders. The Camps were given Roman numerals as designation numbers. “Stalag” Limburg Xll-A close to Diez, served as a transitory camp from 8-28-1939 to 1-29-1940 and as a Stalag until wars end. It was utilized to house POWs from Belgium, France, Britain, Poland, Russians, Americans, and Italians. A regular Punitive Prison Freiendiez was located in the proximity of this Stalag. POWs were sent there for serious violations. Death sentences were executed there as well. Close to Stalag Limburg and the Prison Freiendiez, Marie – Louise Crone is found. TRANSLATION OF DOCUMENT 615-PS Petition of Bishop of Limburg to the Reich Minister of Justice Concerning Killing of Patients at the State Hospital for the Mentally Ill at Hadamar 13 August 1941 The Bishop of Limburg To the Reich Minister of Justice Berlin [Various stamps and penciled remarks appear on original] Regarding the report submitted on July 16 (Sub IV, pp 6-7) by the Chairman of the Fulda Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Dr. Bertram, I consider it my duty to present the following as a concrete illustration of destruction of so-called "useless life." About 8 kilometers from Limburg, in the little town of Hadamar, on a hill overlooking the town, there is an institution which had formerly served various purposes and of late had been used as a nursing home; this institution was renovated and furnished as a place in which, by consensus of opinion, the above mentioned euthanasia has been systematically practiced for months-approximately since February 1941. The fact has become known beyond the administrative district of Wiesbaden, because death certificates from a Registry Hadamar-Moenchberg are sent to the home communities. (Moenchberg is the name of this institution because it was a Franciscan monastery prior to its secularization in 1803.) Several times a week buses arrive in Hadamar with a considerable number of such victims. School children of the vicinity know this vehicle and say:" There comes the murder-box again." After the arrival of the vehicle, the citizens of Hadamar watch the smoke rise out of the chimney and are tortured with the ever-present thought, of the miserable victims, especially when repulsive odors annoy them, depending on the direction of the wind. The effeet of the principles at work here are: Children call each other names and say," You're crazy ; you'll be sent to the baking oven in Hadamar." Those who do not want to marry, or find no opportunity,. |
Page last revised 11/28/2005 |