Louis William Tury
424/A, 1st BN, 3rd Platoon
106th Infantry Division
Carried throughout his life in the military and as a prisoner of war.
  • His men nicknamed him "The Old Man" because he was a 22 yr old in charge of 18 and 19 yr olds.  He carried that nickname for the rest of his life.
  • He took shrapnel in his leg while in his foxhole.
  • Blood froze inside his boot, giving him frostbite. 
  • He was captured and interrogated, then marched for days on his wounded leg.
  • He did not loose the leg or foot, but suffered malnutrition that caused his hair to fall out later.
  • He was in the boxcars that were strafed by friendly fire.
  • After he was liberated, he moved to Lincoln Park, MI and raised a family.
  • He received a Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
  • He never received a military pension or any other benefits, despite repeated attempts.  He retired to a small rural town in Northern Michigan.
  • Louis died in Feb. 1997 in Fairview Michigan, Oscoda County.
  • His widow Margaret (Maggie) lives with one of their daughters in Wolverine Lake, MI
Contributed by his family
Page last revised 03/13/2008