Undersea Boot U-858




Ordered 5 Jun, 1941
Laid down 11 Dec, 1942 AG Weser, Bremen (werk 1064)
Launched 17 Jun, 1943
Commissioned 30 Sep, 1943 Kptlt. Thilo Bode
30 Sep, 1943 - 14 May, 1945   Kptlt. Thilo Bode
Career 3 patrols 30 Sep, 1943 - 30 Apr, 1944  4. Flottille (training)
1 May, 1944 - 30 Sep, 1944  
2. Flottille (front boat)
1 Oct, 1944 - 8 May, 1945  
33. Flottille (front boat)
Successes No ships sunk or damaged

Surrendered at Delaware, USA, on 14 May 1945. Scuttled at the end of 1947 after being used for torpedo trials near New England.

Patrols by U-858

See the profile page for U-858

  Commander Departure Arrival Days  
1 Kptlt. Thilo Bode 12 Jun, 1944   Kiel 27 Sep, 1944   Farsund 108 days  P  View
Kptlt. Thilo Bode 28 Sep, 1944   Farsund 29 Sep, 1944   Marviken 2 days  
2 Kptlt. Thilo Bode 1 Oct, 1944   Marviken 4 Oct, 1944   Flensburg 4 days  P  View
Kptlt. Thilo Bode 2 Mar, 1945   Kiel 9 Mar, 1945   Horten 8 days  
3 Kptlt. Thilo Bode 11 Mar, 1945   Horten 14 May, 1945   Cape May, New Jersey, USA 65 days  P  View

3 War patrols (P) located. 177 days at sea during patrols (187 days at sea overall).
War patrols are shown with grey background.

Tons indicate tonnage of ships sunk or damaged during the patrol, if any. Warships are included.

Attacks on this boat

19 Sep, 1944
The boat was hit and damaged by an unknown Allied aircraft but reached base at Flensburg on Oct 4.
(Sources: Blair, vol 2, page 643)

1 recorded attack on this boat.

General notes on this boat

14 May, 1945. U-858 was originally docked near Fort Miles, Delaware, where the crew were held, and then she was taken up to the Philadelphia Naval Yard. She was also the first German warship to surrender to U.S. forces.

Men lost from U-boats

Unlike many other U-boats, which during their service lost men due to accidents and various other causes, U-858 did not suffer any casualties (we know of) until the time of her loss.

Emblem entry for U-858

Emblem Description

U-858 emblem is a composite of two words. The tree is a spruce-in German "Tanne". The "S" superimposed on the tree is for Sanne. Thilo Bode married Stephanie Sanne in October 1943. His father-in-law, her father, was Lieutenant General Werner Sanne, Commander of the 100th Light Infantry Division in Stalingrad under Paulus.

Prisoners of War held at Camp Atterbury

14 1 U Flottilla
Grass, Helmut
 4C-54-NA 2/13/1924 Ogefr 33 U.Flot U 858 5/9/1945 German 609

POWs held at Camp Atterbury

14 1 U Flottilla
Grass, Helmut
 4C-54-NA 2/13/1924 Ogefr 33 U.Flot U 858 5/9/1945 German 609

14 1 U Folttilla
Heine, Hermann
 4C-53-NA 5/15/1921 Ogefr 33 U Flotilla U 858 5/9/1945 German 609

14 1 U Folttilla
Pieprzyk, Bruno
 4C-6-NA 8/22/1922 Ogefr 33 U Flot U 858 5/9/1945 German 609
Page last revised 09/01/2022
James D. West
