Fw 190F-8
Factory Number 12043
WNr Unknown

Stock No. 3609-01-0413-DW190-F8
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at Freeman Field

Freeman Air Museum FF0148

at Freeman Field (2nd plane from right)
Freeman AAF September 1945
Ray White via Lou  Thole 
Source Disposition
War Prizes
pg 209

Believed to have been surrendered to the USAAF at Neubiberg, an airfield south of Munich and later ferried to Cherbourg for transfer to the USA by HMS Reaper.


08/01/1945 at Newark, to be sent to Freeman Field


Relocate to Chicago

05/09/1946 #2

Relocation priority

War Prizes
pg 209

This aircraft was in flyable condition at Freemen Field from May to August 1946.

War Prizes
pg 209

It is reported to have been scrapped later.

Believed to have been surrendered to the USAAF at Neubiberg, an airfield south of Munich and later ferried to Cherbourg for transfer to the USA by HMS Reaper.  This aircraft was in flyable condition at Freemen Field from May to August 1946.  It is reported to have been scrapped later.

"War Prizes" by Phil Butler, pg 209

Standard convergence for a 190 was set to 400 meters for outer cannon and 600 meters for inner cannon, trajectory returning to Line of sight at 550. A Fw180A-8/R1 with gondola's were set to from 600 meters for inner cannon and 775 and 900 meters for gondola cannon with trajectory returning to line of sight also at 550 meters.

Source: http://p069.ezboard.com/fluftwaffeexperten71774frm9.showMessage?topicID=257.topic

See FE-0113 for general description